Over two billion people ofthe world suffer from micronutrient deficiency also
known as 'hidden hunger'. Among the various approaches to overcome micronutrient
deficiency, biofortification is the most sustainable, cheapest and long lasting solution.
Combination of conventional and molecular breeding methods is the most desirable
approach for biofortification ofwheat having diverse germplasm sources. Grains of
80 accessions ofnine species ofwild Triticum and Aegilops along with 15 semi-dwarf
cultivars of wheat and durum grown over two years at Indian Institute of Technology,
Roorkee, were analyzed for grain iron and zinc contents. The wheat and durum
cultivars had very low content and little variability for both of these micronutrients.
The related non-progenitor wild species with S, Uand Mgenomes showed upto 2-3
fold higher grain iron and zinc content. There were highly significant differences for
iron and zinc contents among various cultivars and wild relatives over both the years
with very high broad sense heritability. There was a significantly high positive
correlation between flag leaf iron with grain iron content (r=0.82) and flag leaf zinc
with grain zinc content (r=0.92) of the selected donors suggesting that the leaf
analysis could be used for early selection and enrichment ofsegregants with high iron
and zinc content for effective breeding for yield and other traits. Chinese Spring with
Ph' gene from Aegilops speltoides was used to transfer useful variability from
Aegilops to elite cultivars for inducing homoeologous chromosome pairing between
Aegilops and wheat genomes.
Amajority of the interspecific hybrids had higher leaf iron and zinc content
than their wheat parents and equivalent or higher content than their Aegilops parents,
strongly supporting a proof of the concept that the parental Aegilops donors possess
superior genetic systems for efficient uptake and translocation ofthe micronutrients
which could ultimately be utilized for wheat grain biofortification. Meiotic metaphase
chromosome analysis of the Fi hybrids (ABDUS1) showed expected chromosome
number of 35 and very little but variable homoeologous chromosome pairing.
Partially fertile to sterile BCi derivatives with variable chromosomes of Aegilops
species and nearly 75% of the expected wheat background had also higher leaf iron
and zinc content confirming the transfer of required variability and ultimate
expression of the efficient superior genetic systems of the donor parents for the
micronutrient content in wheat grains. BC2Fi and BCiF2 progenies were cytologically
and morphologically nearer to wheat cultivars. Selection among these progenies was
done on the basis of grain iron and zinc content. Subsequently BC2F2 and BC1F3
progenies were analysed for grain micronutrient content. The recovery of fertile
derivatives with seeds as bold as that of the wheat cultivars and micronutrient content
as high as that of the wild donors gives unequivocal proofof the concept thatAegilops
kotschyi possess efficient genetic system for uptake and translocation of the
micronutrients which could be effectively used for biofortification of wheat cultivars.
Thirteen derivatives were finally selected for detailed analyses using morphological
markers, chromosome pairing, HMW- Glutenin subunit profile, GISH and anchored
wheat SSRmarkers. Group 1, 2 and 7 chromosomes of Ae. kotschyi were found to be
present in the selected derivatives carrying genes for high grain ironandzinc.
Synthetic amphiploids between Triticum aestivum (AABBDD) landrace
Chinese Spring (Ph1) and cultivar WL711 with different accessions of Aegilops
kotschyi (UUS'S1) were developed through colchicine treatment of sterile Fi hybrids.
The Fi hybrids and amphiploid plants were intermediate between the parents for plant
morphology and spike characteristics. The amphiploids (AABBDDUUS S), however,
had variable frequency of univalents at meiotic metaphase-I. The SDS-PAGE of
HMW glutenin subunits of amphiploids along with the parents showed the presence
and expression of all the parental genomes in the amphiploids. The amphiploids with
bolder seeds had higher grain and grain ash iron and zinc content than the wheat
parents and comparable to those of their Ae. kotschyi parents suggesting that Ae.
kotschyi possesses superior genetic system for the micronutrient uptake and
translocation than the wheat cultivars. The variable chromosome number in PMCs of
different tillers, spikelets and florets in some of the amphiploids suggests somatic
chromosome elimination in the amphiploids. The amphiploids can be used for transfer
of high iron and zinc content and development of alien addition and substitution lines
in wheat.
Lowering the content of anti-nutritional factor, phytic acid, in wheat may
increase the bioavailable content of micronutrients iron and zinc. A set of 76 EMSinduced
mutants of T. monococcum obtained from P.A.U. Ludhiana were screened for
low phytic acid content. On the basis of initial screening two mutants having high
inorganic phosphate content were selected as putative low phytic acid (Ipa) mutants.
Phytic acid content in the two putative mutants viz., MM225 and MM169 was
reduced by 57 %and 46 %respectively over the wild type. The decrease in phytic
acid content ofthe mutants was paralleled by increase in total Fe, Zn and P. Available
iron content increased by 57 % and 19 % in Ipa mutants MM225 and MM169,
respectively over wild type T. monococcum. Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy
Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX) mapping of grains of wild type T. monococcum
showed compactly arranged phytic acid granules whereas phosphorus was more
loosely packed in the aleurone of Ipa mutant MM225. Higher Fe and Zn content in the
endosperm of MM225 than that of T. monococcum wild type was also visible in
SEM-EDX maps. Thus the novel T. monococcum Ipa mutants- MM225 and MM169
had lower phytic acid, higher micronutrient content and increased bioavailability.
Thorough understanding of increase in phosphate and micronutrients in Ipa mutants
will beof tremendous help in biofortification with enhanced bioavailability.
Effect ofgermination ofwheat grains on phytic acid content, mineral elements P,
K, Mg, Ca, Fe and Zn was studied using SEM-EDX analysis along with other
constituents. The minerals showed peripheral distribution within the wheat grain,
being sequestered mainly in the aleurone layer ofthe grains. Phytic acid represented
by the phosphorus rich granules ofthe aleurone layer ofgrains was reduced by 81 %
after 120 hours of germination. The SEM-EDX profile of the minerals also showed
their reduction in the aleurone layer with the progress of germination. SEM images
revealed significant degradation of starch granules after 72 hours of germination.
SDS-PAGE of the seed storage proteins indicated that the protein profile remained
unaffected till 96 hours of germination. HMW glutenin proteins remained intact even
after the fifth day of germination, whereas LMW glutenin proteins were preferentially
degraded. Analysis ofprotein content on dry weight basis ofthe partially germinated
seeds indicated a progressive increase over control. To reduce phytic acid content and
enhance iron and zinc bioavailability to humans and monogastric animals, wheat
seeds can be partially germinated upto 72 hours without any significant deterioration
ofprocessing, nutritional characteristics and palatability.
The precise transfer ofAe. kotschyi genes for high grain Fe and Zn content and
their marker assisted pyramiding in elite wheat cultivars can nearly double the
micronutrient content over the existing levels. The combination of biofortified wheat
with low phytic acid mutants and improvised processing will be absolutely essential
to enhance bioavailability of micronutrients to alleviate the hidden hunger.