power systems are large complex systems and widely
geographically. It operates under much stressed conditions, closer to operating limits, owing
to increased demands. The changes in power systems such as; increase in loading,
generator reaching reactive power limits, action of tap changing transformers, load recovery
dynamics and line or generator outages may cause a progressively and uncontrolled fall of
voltages leading to voltage instability or voltage collapse. Voltage stability has become of
major concern among the power utilities, because of several events of voltage collapse
occurred in the past decade. In this work voltage stability assessment is done.
The advances in high power semiconductor devices led to the development of
Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS). With the development of FACTS devices, power
systems have been able to operate much nearer to its stability limits. FACTS devices affect
the voltage stability significantly by providing suitable reactive power support. Static VAR
Compensator (SVC) and Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) are the shunt
connecting devices and most suitable for voltage control. SVC is thyristor based controller,
whereas, STATCOM is voltage sourced-converter based controller. In this thesis voltage
stability assessment is done for the power systems with SVC as well as for the systems with
STATCOM. The steady state models of SVC and STATCOM are presented.
Many performance indices such as, sensitivity factors, singular values and
eigenvalues of load flow Jacobian, second order performance index, voltage instability
proximity indicator, real power margin and reactive power margin are in use. Voltage stability
is a nonlinear phenomenon and strongly related to saddle node bifurcations. Voltage stability
margin is defined as the distance with respect to the bifurcation parameter, from the current
operating point to bifurcations point i.e. voltage collapse point. In this work this voltage
stability margin is referred to as the loadability margin and used as performance index for
voltage stability analysis. Conventional power flow fails to give solution at the point of
collapse, because of the power flow Jacobian becoming singular at the collapse point. The
continuation method systematically increase the loading level or bifurcation parameter, until
a bifurcation is detected. It is used to calculate the loadability margin of the power systems
with FACTS device for generating a large number of patterns by varying the loads at each
bus randomly.
For the large-scale power systems, having many operational strategies the main
issue is to assess its behavior under different conditions with sufficient accuracy and less
computing time. The traditional analytical techniques have certain limitations in solving some
classes of power systems problems. In recent years artificial neural networks have emerged
as a powerful tool due to its ability to map complex nonlinear functional relationships with
good accuracy and speed. Artificial neural network have proved to be successful in many
areas of power systems.
A three-layered feed forward neural network is proposed to calculate the loadability
margin of the power system with FACTS devices. The input features consist of real and
reactive power injections, total real load, total real generation, total reactive load and total
reactive generation and FACTS device parameteis. In case of power systems with SVC, the
FACTS device parameters are bus voltage, at which SVC is connected and firing angle of
SVC; whereas, in case of power systems with STATCOM, these are bus voltage, at which
STATCOM is connected, dc voltage ana phase shift angle of STATCOM. Considering the
real and reactive power injections at all the buses will form a large input vector to neural
network. For large power systems therefore, the size of neural network will increase and
more computational time will be required to produce the output. To reduce the curse of
dimensionality, a technique based on system entropy method is proposed to select only
those real and reactive power injections, which have more effect on loadability margin. The
proposed neural network is trained by Marquardt-Levenberg (LM) algorithm for non-linear
least square. This algorithm is much more efficient than conjugate gradient algorithm and
variable learning rate algorithm, for the network with a few hundred weights as in this work.
The proposed method is implemented on IEEE-30 bus and IEEE-118 bus system. The
proposed method has performed well for both systems.
One area of researches in neural networks has been concentrated towards the
development of new neural architectures and learning algorithm. The key idea is to develop
neural networks with high accuracy and less computing time. Parallel self-organizing,
hierarchical neural networks (PSHNN) are multi-stage networks in which stages operate in
parallel rather than in series. Each stage is a particular neural network trained with suitable
algorithm. The same inputs are fed to each stage. It is observed that total network,
consisting of small stages, converges faster than a single network of the same size for
similar error performance.
In this work a method using PSHNN is proposed to estimate the loadability margin of
the power system with FACTS devices. Real and reactive power injections are considered to
be input features. In case of power systems with SVC, bus voltage, at which SVC is
connected and firing angle of SVC are chosen as additional input variables. Whereas in case
of power systems with STATCOM, bus voltage, at which STATCOM is connected, along with
phase shift angle and phase angle of STATCOM is selected as additional input variables. To
improve the performance of network, K -means clustering is employed to form the clusters
of patterns having similar loadability margin. To reduce the number of input features in each
cluster, system entropy information gain method is used and only those real and reactive
power injections, which affect the loadability margin most, are selected. Separate PSHNN is
trained for each cluster. Each stage of PSHNN is trained using scaled conjugate gradient
algorithm. The performance of Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG) algorithm is benchmarked
against that of standard Back-Propagation algorithm (BP), the conjugate gradient algorithm
with line search (CGL) and the one-step Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfrab-Shanno memory less
quassi-Newton algorithm (BFGS). SCG is fully automated, includes no user dependent
parameters and avoids a time-consuming line search. The proposed method is implemented
on IEEE-30 bus and IEEE-118 bus system. Once trained, the network produces outputs
instantaneously for both systems.
There are lots of uncertainties associated with power system variables due to many
unexpected events. These uncertainties can be effectively modeled using fuzzy sets. Hybrid
systems combining fuzzy logic, neural networks are providing their effectiveness in a wide
variety of real world problems. While fuzzy logic performs an inference mechanism under
cognitive uncertainty, computational neural networks offer exciting advantages such as
learning, adaptation, fault tolerance, parallelism and generalization. To enable a system to
deal with cognitive uncertainties in a manner more like humans, one may incorporate the
concepts of fuzzy logic into the neural networks. The resulting hybrid systems is called fuzzy
neural, neural fuzzy, fuzzy-neuro or neuro-fuzzy network.
In this work, a multi input, single output fuzzy neural network is developed for voltage
stability evaluation of the power systems with FACTS devices by calculating the loadability
margin. The proposed method consists of two stages combining unsupervised and
supervised learning. The real and reactive loads at all the buses, total real and reactive load,
total real and reactive power generation are considered as input variables. In case of power
systems with SVC, bus voltage at which SVC is connected, along with firing angle of SVC
and reactive power injection by SVC is chosen as additional input variables. Whereas, in
case of power systems with STATCOM, bus voltage at which STATCOM is connected,
along with dc voltage and phase shift angle of STATCOM are selected as additional input
variables. In the first stage, Kohonen self-organizing map is developed to cluster the real and
reactive loads at all the buses to reduce the input features, thus limiting the size of the
network and reducing computational burden. In the second stage, combination of different
non-linear membership functions is proposed to transform the input variables into fuzzy
domains. Thus, uncertainties of real and reactive loads, real and reactive generations, bus
voltages and FACTS devices parameters are taken into account. Then a three-layered feed
forward neural network with fuzzy input variables is developed to evaluate the loadability
margin. The neural network is trained by LM algorithm. The proposed methodology is
applied to IEEE-30 bus and IEEE-118 bus systems.
> Optimization methods and techniques have been used in various areas of the
power systems. These methods and techniques are developing very fast and the power
systems operators are required to keep themselves informed about these developments.
The interior point method is one of these techniques, which has gained much interest over
past twenty years. It offers many advantages over conventional techniques and many times
faster. The main advantage of these methods lies in their polynomial complexity property.
The calculation of loadability margin to voltage collapse point of power systems can be
formulated as nonlinear optimization problem and solved by nonlinear programming
In this work primal dual interior point method for nonlinear programming is proposed
to calculate loadability margin of the power systems with FACTS devices. The objective is to
maximize loading parameter and the constraints are real and reactive power balance
equations, control and power balance equations of FACTS device. Limits on real and
reactive power generations and transformer taps are considered. The method is robust and
efficient with reduced solution times. Different types of load models such as, constant power,
constant current, constant impedance and ZIP model, on the loadability margin are also
investigated. The proposed method is applied to IEEE-30 bus, IEEE-57-bus and IEEE-118
bus system.
The power systems often operate under the constraints imposed by real power
losses. This reduces the loadability of the system and does not allow the resources to be
fully exploited.
In this work a multi-objective problem is formulated with the objective to maximize the
loadability and minimize the real power losses. The constraints considered are real and
reactive power balance equations, control and power balance equations of FACTS device.
Limits on real and reactive power generations and transformer taps are considered. The
problem is solved by primal dual nonlinear interior point method. Weighting method is used
to convert the problem into a scalar one. The feed forward multi layer neural network is
proposed to calculate proper values of weightages to be associated with each objective. The
effects of load model are also studied. The proposed method is applied to IEEE-30 bus,
IEEE-57-bus and IEEE-118 bus system. The proposed method produces promising results.
In summary, the loadability margin is calculated for the power systems with FACTS
devices, using artificial neural networks, parallel neural networks, fuzzy neural network,
interior point method and multi-objective approach.