The development strategy lays stress on adoption
of schemes which yield increased agricultural and
industrial production, create employment and help to
alleviate poverty. 'Area Approach' under 'Lead Bank
Scheme' assigns responsibility on the Lead Bank to help
farm families to relate their credit needs with the
planned programmes of development. Although banks have
been called upon to play a major role in the implementa
tion of various agricultural credit programmes under
Lead Bank Scheme, yet these banks are faced with certain
difficulties in financing small and marginal farmers
like the unsuitability of agricultural security, the
peculiarities of agricultural finance, seasonal changes,
the uneconomic nature of the farming industry, illiteracy
among the farmers, the imperative necessity of keeping
their funds liquid and lack of personal knowledge about
cultivators. The task is crucial for Lead Bank and
calls for intelligent and dedicated approach to the whole
problem with reforming practices and procedures to ensure
that funds are properly utilised and desired results
are achieved. At this stage, a case study becomes
essential to find out the causes which help or hinder the
proper implementation of Lead Bank Scheme.
The present study extends over^Muzaffarnagar /
to ascertain the impact of credit supply
by banks on small and marginal farmers under Lead
Bank Scheme. The objective of the study is to evaluate
the impact of financial assistance on production, income,
savings and recovery of loans on small and marginal
farmers of the district, which in turn effects the imple
mentation of the Lead Bank Scheme. In order to explore
this, following criteria were adopted:
i) critical analysis of the existing pattern of
advancing loans under Lead Bank Scheme,
ii) credit gaps at existing and improved level of
iii) increase in income and savings of small and
marginal farmers after taking loan,
iv) assessment of the implementation of the Lead
Bank Scheme in the district.
The study is based orv scmple Random Sampling
method. Two hundred farmers were randomly selected as
the representative of the present study and were classified
according to the size of their owned holdings falling into
marginal, small, medium and large farmers. On the basis
of a structural schedule, data regarding the occupation,
credit requirement, supply of credit, credit gaps, product
ion, income and savings before and after taking loan,
recovery of loan, were collected.
After critical analysis and interpretation of the
collected data, it was found that there was a general
increase in the net income of the sampled farmers which
resulted in comparatively increased recovery of loans.
Moreover, it was found that only small and marginal
farmers lagged behind in gaining significant increase in
income and savings due to diversion of funds in undesirable
channels which resulted in reduced repayment capacity of
small farmers when compared to medium and large farmers. It
also came into light that despite banks' increasing
involvement in financing small and marginal farmers, a
huge credit gap remained, even in the genuine needs of
the sampled farmers.
Another phenomenon, which came into focus was
that banks were found to be reluctant in granting
adequate loans to the farmers due to low recovery of loans
which was partly due to irrigational pre-sanction
appraisal of the loan-proposals, inadequate post-sanction
follow-up and unsuitable and untrained staff with the
bank and partly due to willful default by the borrower
and growing political interference which encouraged low
Credit, beinn a critical input in increasing the
efficiency of other resources and production pattern,
should readily be made available to the cultivators,
consistent with their production needs.Although, much
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has been done in this direction, yet fevv bottlenecks,
as revealed by the present study, should be overcome through a still more bold credit policy by Punjab National Bank, the Lead Bank of the District Muzaffarnagar,in raising the productivity of land and net earnings of small and marginal cultivators.