The economic progress of any country is reflected as an increase in its energy
consumption within the population. Conversely, if economic progress is desired, then an
increase in the per capita energy consumption is an inevitable consequence, which needs
to be given due consideration by Planning Bodies. Developing nations like India are
largely rural in composition. Much of the country's economic growth is thus dependent
on the suitable growth and development of its rural segment vis-a -vis the urban segment.
The oil crisis beginning in the 70's has necessitated the general policy that oil and
petroleum imports be judiciously utilized for achieving productivity that is conducive to
national growth and development. Much of the productivity related to the gross national
product occurs in industrialized areas of urban sectors. By contrast, there is a low level of
productivity in the rural sector due to the poor and often unstable agricultural practices
currently adopted. It is therefore evident that the major supply of available commercial
fuels imported at the cost of precious foreign exchange are more likely to be diverted to
the urban than the rural sector, since better levels of productivity are assured in such
areas. In view of this, the rural sector is unlikely to receive the required amount of
commercial energy for its development. It must thus make up for this energy deficiency
by augmenting its available energy reserves with alternative resources that are available
locally on a renewable basis.
India is predominantly rural in composition, it is therefore clear that the overall
development of the country will be benefited by improving the level of economic growth
in its rural sector. The concept of integrating various energy resources for meeting the
total energy requirements of a rural area is popular in developing countries. The
commonly available renewable energy resources at the rural area can include: solar
energy, wind energy, biomass energy and energy offlowing/captive water reserves. These
resources are supplemented with other conventional/commercial resources in the rural
The end use of the required energy demand in the rural areas ranges from basic
and subsistence needs of cooking, heating and lighting to productive activities ranging
from farm mechanization to rural industries, irrigation etc. For each end use, there could
be a range of energy options viz. commercial/non-commercial/renewable, which can be
used in amanner depending upon the resource endowment of the micro region, the annual
resource availability, the energy needs and their priority for the given population. Since
energy utilization scenario would differ from one micro region to another, it becomes
necessary for rural planners to conduct independent studies for each micro region instead
of generalizing for the whole region encompassing acluster of micro regions.
Energy planning for different regions in the rural Indian segment is thus a
challenging task. In the literature, several researchers have attempted to design and
evaluate energy plans for different cluster of regions and thus provide in a piecewise
manner a picture of the energy scenario in different pockets of the Indian sub-continent.
Despite the numerous studies reported, several rural regions have yet to be explored in
regard to their existing energy scenarios. The scope for extensions ofthe reported work is
therefore encouraging.
For the present work, it was proposed to take up energy studies for a village in the
district of Pauri Garhwal, in the newly created state of Uttaranchal (India). There are
very little studies reported for this region, and, the present work was therefore directed to
fill a part of this need. Kanvashram, a rural hilly village in the district was chosen for the
purpose. This village has recently been identified by the Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam, a
planning body for the district, as a promising site for development into a
tourist/pilgrimage centre. It is therefore expected that in view of this proposal, the village
of Kanvashram is likely to experience rapid development in the near future. Hence the
village appears to be ideally suited for the purpose of energy studies and planning.
Accordingly, the present study attempts to address the objectives of assessment of the
energy consumption trends of the rural population, estimation of the level of inequality in
energy resource consumption in different segments, development of an integrated energy
planning model involving the major energy end use applications, application of the
developed energy planning model for subsequent simulated studies and evolving effective
policy measures in relation to energy planning for the study area.
These objectives can be realized using appropriate methodology of analysis. The
data needed for the study is by and large of a primary nature.
Detailed analysis relating to the energy consumption trends among the rural
population was carried out using statistical measures, Lorenz curves and Econometric
inequality indices. The energy consumption patterns were analyzed for three categories
viz. Joint households, Nuclear households and All households in relation to the
commonly used energy resources available in the study area.
Linear programming models were developed for the end uses of the area and an
integrated model was designed that could be used for subsequent simulation studies. The
integrated model was used to examine the impact of certain scenarios in the projected
year 2005 A.D., for which the energy planning exercise is being carried out.
The findings of the study reveal that the energy consumption of the Joint family
household differs from that of the Nuclear household in regard to magnitude, inequality
levels and pattern of use for different decile groups. This was found to be true for the
major energy resources i.e. electricity, kerosene, LPG and fuel wood. The implication of
these findings is that an energy plan based on extrapolation of current trends must make
suitable provision while allocating energy resources for future energy demand in the
region under planning.
The integrated energy planning model developed for arriving at the most suitable
mix of energy resources needed for meeting the demands in the study area shows that the
optimal solution cost obtained from the model is highly reduced in comparison to the cost
employing the existing consumption pattern in the study area. The use of the optimization
methodology for energy resource planning is therefore to be recommended.
projected energy allocation model for the year 2005 A. D. is accordingly prepared after
allowing for changes in demand and supply constraints.
Hypothetical scenarios, introduced as outcome of policy moves, are also examined
by the simulated application of the model for the projected year. The findings helped in
deciding the effectiveness of the scenario as a policy measure for implementation. The
results showed that certain policy moves are effective, some were break even, while
others are to be rejected. Based on these and other major findings, recommendations are
made for policy measures suitable for the study area and other areas sharing common