Modelling border strip irrigation system is a complex process since it involves both
the overland and subsurface flow. The numerical solution of border strip irrigation involves
the solution of both surface and subsurface flows. The present study is concerned with
developing a hydrodynamic numerical model for the simulation of overland and subsurface
flow for border strip irrigation and estimation of field infiltration parameters. A numerical
model is developed by solving the differential equations governing overland flow (Saint
Venants equations) and subsurface flow (Richards equation). Explicit MacCormack scheme
is used to solve the Saint Venants equations while the Richards equation is solved using a
mass conservative fully implicit finite difference method. The model performance is assessed
by comparing model predictions by numerically as well as experimentally observed irrigation
events such as irrigation advance and recession data reported in literature. The model is
validated with the data of surface irrigation experiments on three different soils reported in
A detailed surface irrigation field experiments has been conducted involving both
overland and subsurface measurements to asses the performance and applicability of the
numerical model developed in predicting both overland and subsurface flow variables. In
addition to the surface measurements such as advance, recession and flow depths, subsurface
measurements such as pressure heads and moisture contents are also measured. The pressure
heads are measured using tensiometers and the moisture contents are measured using Time
Domain reflectometer (TDR). The model is validated by comparing model predicted
irrigation advance, recession and subsurface moisture profiles with experimental data.
The accurate prediction of border strip irrigation events such as such as irrigation
advance, recession and subsurface wetting front movement mainly depends on the system
parameters, like Manning's roughness coefficient n and infiltration parameters: saturated
hydraulic conductivity KsaU Van Genuchten water retention parameters (Van Genuchten,
1990), av, ny, 9S and <9r. Among these, the estimation of infiltration parameters at field level is
one of the difficult tasks (Walker and Skogerboe, 1987). For a relatively big field, estimation
of infiltration parameters using infiltrometers requires that the test be conducted at many
places. Further, these parameters maynot represent the infiltration phenomenon at field scale.
An alternative to these direct measurement techniques is to employ inverse techniques for
parameter estimation. In such an approach, the infiltration parameters are estimated by
minimizing the deviations between the model predicted and field observed flow attributes
such as irrigation advance, recession, flow depth and wetting front movement. In this study, a
parameter estimation model is developed by coupling the numerical model with a Sequential
unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT). The issues of identifiability and uniqueness
are discussed by estimating the parameters from hypothetical data. The robustness of the
model is assessed by varying the number of estimated parameters from 1 to 3. In this study,
saturated hydraulic conductivity KsaU water retention parameters av, and /?v, are identified.
The irrigation advance and summation of flow depths are used to identify single parameter. It
is observed that the parameter estimates using summation of flow depths are in good
agreement with their true values. Further, the summation of flow depths is used to identify
two and three parameters. The results of simultaneous estimates of two parameters show that
the optimization technique converges to the true values. However, simultaneous estimation of
all the three infiltration parameters is not possible with flow depth data. Inclusion of moisture
content in the objective function does not guarantee unique solutions.