Listeriosis has been recognized as an emerging food borne bacterial zoonoses and
pesky public health hazard. It is a serious invasive disease characterized by neural, visceral,
and reproductive clinical entities. The main objective of our investigations was to detect and
characterize Listeria species of different pathogenic potential. Examination of listeric
infection in clinical cases and food samples with regards to the seropositivity, presence of
virulent genes in the Listeria isolates recovered from such cases and pathogenicity profiles of
Listeria isolates on the basis of in vitro and in vivo tests, con-elation among these, was done.
Atotal of 700 samples were collected from a total no. of 90 buffaloes of (Group A) and 300
samples were collected from (Group B). Overall occurrence of listeric infection was found to
be 7.49 %, 11.66 % and 40% in different cases of buffaloes with mastitis, reproductive
disorders and slaughtered (Group A) and 7%, 14.24% and 14.72% in bulk tank milk, Ice
cream and cheese samples (Group B). In serum samples collected from buffaloes with
mastitis and reproductive disorders occurrence of listeric infection was found to be 46% and
44% respectively. Listeria isolates were characterized by biochemical methods such as-
Catalase test, Oxidase test, Methyl Red test, Voges-Proskauer test, Nitrate reduction test and
Sugar fermentation tests. Differentiation of the pathogenic Listeria species (L. monocytogenes
and L. ivanovii) from non-pathogenic listeriae was done by in vitro tests including
Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) Assay, DL-Alanine (3-Napthylamide
(DLABN) test and haemolysis on sheep blood agar. The pathogenicity of L. monocytogenes
and L. ivanovii isolate(s) were tested by in vivo tests namely mice inoculation and chick
embryo inoculation. All the Listeria isolates were screened for the presence or absence of
virulence associated gene(s) by employing the PCR protocols separately standardized for the
detection of gene responsible for production of a haemolysin called listeriolysin O (hlyA),
phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C(plcA), Act Aprotein (actA), a surface protein
called p60 (iap) and positive regulatory factor - PrfA (prfA) in the standard pathogenic strains
ofL. monocytogenes procured. Three virulent genes (prfA, picA, hlyA) characterize an array
of pathogenic potential among different Listeria isolates. hlyA gene alone can be used as a
marker for distinguishing L. monocytogenes and L. ivanovii. L. monocytogenes can be
confirmed by the presence ofhlyA gene ofvarious gene combinations. It is present in all gene
combinations in L monocytogenes and absent in L. ivanovii. L. ivanovii can be confirmed by
the presence ofhaemolytic activity positive in (in vitro PI-PLC assay) and hlyA negative gene
combination by PCR assay. Seven haemolytic and pathogenic isolates of L. monocytogenes
showing the presence ofall the five virulence-associated genes and five isolates ofL. ivanovii
showing the presence ofpicA, prfA and actA genes identical to that of standard L. ivanovii
strain respectively were characterized on the basis of their biofilm forming ability. Two
maximum biofilm forming Listeria monocytogenes isolates (Z.m.28) and (L.m.33) obtained
from dairy food samples were selected and analyzed by SEM on different surfaces namely
stainless steel, Polypropylene and PVC coupons. Maximum biofilm formation was observed
in case ofPVC followed by PP and SS surfaces. These biofilm cells were much more resistant
to sanitizers compared to their planktonic counterparts. Such biofilm cells which were not
removed during normal cleaning procedure in a food processing unit could be a source of
contamination for foods.