The state-space approach to network analysis and
synthesis has aroused considerable interest during the
recent years, primarily, to develop computer-aided analysis
and design techniques. This thesis is concerned with the
application of this approach to various aspects of network
synthesis problem. In particular, state-space interpretation
of classical synthesis methods is sought and new techniques
for network realization from state-variable or input-output
characterization are discussed with a view to evolve
improved procedures.
The classical synthesis methods for linear, timeinvariant
networks are well known. An interesting problem
concerning the use of state variables for network synthesis
would be interpretation, in state-space terms, of common
synthesis procedures such as Foster, Cauer, Brune etc. Tnirs
problem along with the interpretation of some of the proper
ties of network functions in state-space terms is briefly
discussed first. State-space techniques for the determination
of impedance matrix from its given even part and a direct
method for determining the transfer-function matrix from the
given state-space specifications are proposed.
In modern synthesis, many a time, the given
information is in terms of state-variable characterization
than the input-output characterization. In this
case, the natural approach to network synthesis is by state
models. Before developing new synthesis procedures,
generalized state models for RLC networks have been discussed.
ks regards synthesis procedures,, js realization technique was
given by Yarlagadda [86j for state model belonging to n-port
LC networks. An improved method for this class has been
evolved which is suitable for computerization. The proposed
computer algorithm exploits the results reported by Anderson
and NewcombJ,6j and is free from many problems faced while
using Yarlagadda and Tokad[86J procedure. Further, a synthesis
procedure is proposed for a class of n-port RLC networks^in
which there are no cut-sets of inductors only, no loops of
capacitors only and there is no coupling between the link
resistances and tree-branch conductances. A synthesis
procedure for a similar class of LC time-varying networks
is also suggested. A procedure fcr the realization of A-matrix
(portless networks) for a mere general class of RLC networks
in which there is nc coupling between link resistances and
tree-branch conductances is also given. It may be noted that
starting from minimal state model these procedures result
in minimal realizations and in case the given set of timeinvariant
state equations is not minimal, procedures exist
for obtaining a minimal sot[50J. In this context, for
synthesis from a given set of non-minimal time-varying state
equations, an interesting algorithm for removing uncontroll
able (unobservable) states is proposed.