AdityaL1isIndianSpaceResearchOrganisation's(ISRO) rstspacemissionto
study theSun.SolarUltravioletImagingTelescope(SUIT),isanimaginginstru-
As ...
Lithium ion batteries are the most promising energy storage system on the market today; however, safety issues associated with the use of flammable organic polymer-based electrolytes with poor electrochemical and chemical ...
An innovative practice to effectively make use of the sunshine is with transportation powered by photovoltaic (PV) energy. Railroads, subways, buses, planes, cars and even roads can all be powered by solar, and solar transit ...
Energy has been the central building piece of each phase of human improvement.Various
sources of energy has been explored since ages. In recent centuries huge steps have
been taken in the form of exploitation of conventional ...
Recently nanomaterials like Nanowire (NW), nanoparticle and quantum dot have shown to have enormous characteristics like lager surface to volume ration, quantum confinement effect that can be exploited by using them as an ...
This thesis reports the effects of parametric variations of hybrid silicon microring resonator for optical switching applications. Microring Resonator optical switch is a Silicon on Insulator (SOI) photonics contrivance ...
Following work has been done under this Thesis: MATLAB code is written for linear wave propagation inside a heterogeneous medium without considering scattering phenomenon. The goal is to investigate if including scattering ...
This thesis reports the results of parametric variations of various components of photonic integrated
circuit consisting of an Optical Fibre, Linear Diffraction Grating, Straight Taper and Single Mode
Waveguide. The ...
This report represents the effective method to enhance surface Plasmon resonance (SPR)
on Ag films. Ag films of different thickness are deposited by pulsed laser deposition
technique. To enhance surface sensitivity surface ...
Studies on changes in current and optical band gap of thin films of metal oxides due to gamma
irradiation have been gaining increasing attention, due to their extensive use in real-time gamma
radiation dosimetry. This ...
Perovskite BaTiO3 was prepared by the solid state reaction method with the materials BaCO3 and
TiO2. The calcinations were carried out at 11500C for 4 hrs. To study the structural, dielectric
and ferroelectric properties ...
In the last few years, fiber grating sensors made a slow but significant entrance in the field of
sensors. Conventional sensors based on mechanical or electrical transducer suffer from their
large size, weathering effect, ...
This project aims to develop a MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) based charge
controller for charging batteries of E-Rickshaws. PV array has non-linear I-V
characteristic and output power depends on environmental ...
We present a design of a highly nonlinear silica spiral photonic crystal fiber and obtain the
supercontinuum generation for a wider bandwidth (2300 nm) extending from 320 nm to 2620
nm at 40 dB below the spectral peak ...
The present work deals with thermal transport in Josephson junction. In Josephson junction, heat current is phase dependent just like Josephson super current. Using topological insulators in Josephson junctions provide ...
ZnO is an important n type semiconductor sensing material. It has been
demonstrated that ZnO nanorods and nanowires exhibit many unique properties
associated with their shape anisotropy and high thermal and chemical ...
This thesis reports the possibility of development of a broader range photodetector which could efficiently work in multiple wavelength ranges from conventional communication band to near infrared band. This device is ...
Pressure is a fundamental physical quantity or parameter which is used in field of sensor
applications. Pressure sensors are used for different perspective in various field of research
and industry. It has great interest ...
The work presented here is on pure BST and Mg doped BST thin film. Fabrication of planer capacitor was done using sol-gel based spin coating technique on substrate of n-type Si (IOU). Uniformly composed and well-developed ...
In this report, electrical behavior of dual gate and single gate organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) is investigated using Atlas 2-D numerical device simulation. Compared to the single gate (SG), dual gate (DG) organic ...