Copper oxide (CuO) is a paramount transition metal oxide used in gas sensors, magnetic storage media, photocell, lithium-ion electrodes, electronic device fabrication and many more. One dimensional (1-D) CuO nanostructures exhibit exclusive properties that can be considerably different from their bulk counterparts, such as the huge interfacial areas, exceedingly reactive surfaces, scarce optical, electrical and catalytic properties which are strongly depends on the shape, size and crystal structure of nanostructure. By altering the grain size of CuO nanostructures, physical and chemical properties of these nanostructures can be enhanced. Array of CuO nanostructures were synthesized on thin copper foil substrate through wet chemical technique at different temperatures, followed by thermal reduction in Argon atmosphere. Strong bonding between nanomaterials and substrate is essential for extended device life. In this research work, CuO nanorods and nanoflowers were synthesized on Cu substrate, adhesion energy were quantified using nano scratch based technique. The adhesion energy of CuO nanorods and nanoflowers were measured 92.93 Jm-2. and 110.33 Jm-2. X-ray diffraction pattern revealed the formation of CuO nanostructures. Growth mechanism of CuO nanostructures and their morphologies were identified by field emission scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Morphology of CuO nanostructures was found to be time and temperature dependent. Knowledge acquired in this study is presumed to be proficient in synthesis various CuO nanostructures that can be helpful in future to improving life time and various physical and chemical properties of CuO based devices