Performance evaluation is an activity that supports planning and implementation procedure of
irrigation projects. The motivation behind performance is to accomplish an effective and viable
utilization of resources by giving important criticism to the scheme management. Therefore, the
objective of the study is to evaluate the performance of Msange irrigation scheme at Singida
District in Tanzania employing a various performance indicators. The scheme has a command
area of 10 ha served by drip irrigation system benefiting about 58 farmers. To accomplish the set
objectives both field and secondary data were collected such as discharge measurements, soil
samples, irrigation application, delivered volume of water to the field, meteorological data,
cropping pattern, yields, crop prices, irrigation cost, irrigated land, cost of production and O&M
costs. Water supply, agricultural outputs, economic performance and environmental quality
indicators were evaluated in this study. To facilitate the assessment three main crops were
evaluated, for this case maize, onion and tomatoes. The specific indicators for water supply
performance are RWS and RIS and WDC. The results for RWS, RIS and WDC were found to be
0.93, 0.92 and 1.79 respectively. The analysis of agricultural outputs, outputs per irrigated
cropped land and command area were found as 2,179.41 and 2,799.50 US$/ha respectively, and
the corresponding outputs per unit irrigation supply and water consumed was 0.51 and 0.46
US$/m3 respectively. The results from economic performance on BCR and O&M fraction
depicted the value of 1.01 for BCR and 0.65 for O&M fraction. This indicates that Msange
irrigation project is worthy undertaking for supporting farmers’ livelihood. To evaluate
environmental quality, SQI was used by integrating chemical and physical parameters. The soil
type from the study area is silt loam with an overall SQI of 0.57 making the soil to be rated as
medium quality.
In conclusion, the determined overall performance index of Msange irrigation scheme is 69 %
which show a satisfactory performance, rated as medium to high performance. However with
this index, improvement is needed to further increase performance and water productivity so that
more benefits are obtained. Among the measures to improve performance and water productivity
include proper irrigation scheduling, correct estimation of water demand, regulating water
delivery, optimizing irrigation water, improving agronomic practices and soil quality