Illegal small-scale mining famously alluded to in Ghana as 'Galamsey' has been uncontrolled for a considerable length of time. Although ASGM offers economic benefits and employment opportunities to about 4.5% of the Ghanaian populace, its impact on human health has led to a high incidence of health hazards, deforestation, pollution and loss of biodiversity.
Law Enforcement agencies, Forestry Commission, MoFA, Fisheries Commission, Local Governments, EPA, Standards Board, Minerals Commission and WRC are the Relevant State Institutions of Ghana in collaboration with NGOs and other stakeholders are struggling for the control and management by enabling policy and legislative framework coupled with the right incentivisation along with alternative sources of employment generation to the masses.
This study identifies the current challenges faced by the Ankobra River Basin and its environment in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality and suggests measures for advanced plans for revitalization and development of the Ankobra River Basin to be improved tremendously.
In this regard, this research adopted the technique of Land Use/ land cover changes happen by the modification of the regular scene through both anthropogenic activities and characteristic procedures Analysis of satellite images to distinguish land use/land cover changes depends on the presumption that the recorded electromagnetic radiation, which is the premise of ordering land covers, is modified as the land use/land cover of the same geographic territory changes
Post-classification comparison, spectral-temporal, multi-data classification combined analysis and unsupervised change detection were the consisting classification methods.
Overall, the areal coverage of dark forest and have been reduced between 1986 and 2016, while mining areas and settlements have increased substantially. Dark forest, the dominant land cover, occupied 94.98% of the basin area in 1986, reduced to 93.42% in 2006, decreased substantially again between 2006 and 2016 (92.61%). The area under built-up increased from 2.31% in 1986 to 2.97% in 2006, and further increased again to 3.37% in 2016
In order to obtain indicative data for the study, questionnaires were designed and distributed to a randomly selected sample of 100 individuals within both non-Governmental organizations and Government agencies. Out of the 100 distributed questionnaires, a total of 80 completed questionnaires were returned and then analyzed statistically. The results show that the main
indicators of 0.344 is very poor and needs urgent attention to revitalized and develop the river basin.
Buffer zones positioned close to the source of surface water pollution are therefore more likely to succeed in controlling water quality.
Natural recovery of the river channel, without intervention, is an option where time and space allow and where other limitations, such as excessive water abstraction, are not present.
In terms of hydropower, it is a more secure alternative, Hydroelectric power can be depended upon, availability of green energy, it can be re-utilized, its dependable, it can be directed, it is less expensive, it averts Floods, make available employment opportunities and as tourist attraction sites.
Automation can enhance river revitalization and development through; Decreased Process Variability, Higher Quality Product, Lower Operating Costs, Better Monitoring, Less Machinery Wear, Increased Deposit Yield, Higher Environmental Responsibility, Increased Safety and Overall Process Streamlining.
Thus, Rivers Revitalization Advancement Plan with support to the population for its livelihood is the future to hold the promise of human beings living along the river banks dependent on each other peacefully in nature. The proposed schemes brought in practice will deliver in that direction.