The entirety of human life needs the controlled amount of water for survival and establishment in the society. A well-organized controlled mechanism; Water Distribution System (WDS) is important to enable safely extraction and transportation to various area of applications at required quantity, pressure and quality. Without it, there is no existence for living things, since all human evolution depend upon Water. Existence of WDS’s which were designed and constructed some decades ago are facing the challenge of aging; Some of these infrastructures are susceptible to contamination especially through the leaky pipe joints, loose of disinfection residual in storage facilities with high water age in the distribution system. The importance of the WSS to our life is the same as the blood circulation system in human heart, as heart pumping the blood in the body parties to supply oxygen required amount to all parts of the body; a WDS need pumps, pipes, Junctions, and valves to distribute water to all parts of the connected network to meet the consumers’ demands.
This study aims at weighing the performance evaluation to the existing WDS to see how the system merits. The detail study of understanding how the WDS functions were done; the data and information were gathered and utilized in the examination. The use of GIS and remote sensing innovation helped in getting a portion of the information that was not gathered from the client office.
Computer modeling software EPANET 2 used to access hydraulically the WDS and it was observed that, there some challenges in the flow velocity and water age in pipes and storage system. In connection to the yield from the model, the sustainability Index (SI) of the framework which is the significant measure for the pressure driven execution of the WDS was registered. An operation management scenario was designed and implemented to find the way out on how we can deal with low pressure and relative low flow velocity in the WDS. At last, the current site layout map of WDS was produced and some alleviation measures were given in order to turn out from the observed challenges.