Rapid urbanization and quest for development at individual and State level necessitate the urge for exploring the consequences of it on the natural resources available. In the present study, an attempt has been made to assess the land use/land cover (LULC) change and urban water demand for the Dehradun city from the Indian Himalayan region over the period of time. The urban water demand has been calculated by using census data and water supply data has been analyzed and further extrapolated to 2030 by using polynomial trend line. The LULC changes were analyzed for the years 2001 to 2018 using geospatial techniques. The six different LULC classes have been identified in the study area which includes agriculture, barren land, forest, shrubs, urban settlement, and water. The significant variations have been observed in areas of urban settlement class (increase by 73.53%) and agriculture class (decrease by 49.67%) from 2001 to 2018. This has been well depicted through change detection matrix. The results also indicated that the urbanization and population growth will increase urban water demand and it may exhibit more pressure on surface water and groundwater resource in the future. Also, this trend in LULC has been analyzed and predicted for 2030 keeping various factors in mind like road distance, urban area distance, past LULC, DEM, etc. and quantified the future expansion in an urban area in Dehradun city. Since, storm water management is a challenging in the upcoming or growing cities like Dehradun. Therefore, impact of LULC change on storm water in Dehradun city has also been studied using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Further, the smart city concept of managing water resources with the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been discussed and analyzed to get satisfactory outcomes by handling real-time data with electronic tools. Further, the critical reviews have been made and discussed on smart water management techniques and suggested adaptive and intervention measures for Dehradun city with the help of ICT. Ultimately, this study seeks to draw attention towards the trend followed in urbanization and indigence for a sustainable water management plan to be adopted at this stage.