Providing safe and adequate drinking water for the consumer has been one of the major
challenges in developing country mainly in Ethiopia. There is no urban cites of Ethiopia supply
24/7 water for user including Durame town. So that the main aim of this research was to assess
and discuss in detail the existing water coverage, water demand, environmental, technical related
problems and institutional factors my study on first. To do this: field observation, consultation
with different concerned officials and water distribution system design document was used to
understand and visualize the level of water in Durame town. Furthermore, the necessary
information was collected such as current population, the growth rate of the area, the elevation
of point map of the city, source quantity, and water supply distribution system data are collected.
The node and the link inputs of water distribution system were simulated to analyze the system
by inserting input data by using EPANET 2.0 and parameters. The results of this study indicate
the water supply of the Durame town cover only 52 percent of total population (i.e. more than
48% of town population used water from an unprotected source such as hand-dug well,
unprotected river and other vendors). The future water demand of town will be 5533m3/day by
2035. If the city water supply (source) not expand in future the gap between demand and supply
increased to 65.7% in this year. Furthermore, the output of hydraulic simulation of water
distribution network shows, the pressure of node at specific area and velocity of water in the
same pipe were below the permissive limit (standard) set by Ethiopia Minister of Water resource
design criteria. Also, the chlorine residual in the network were below the permissive limit of
0.2mg/l at varies nodes after 52hr of extended analysis. Finally, to improve pressure and velocity
in the water distribution network, it is necessary to use the appropriate boosting station and
pressure controlling valve as well as an aged pipe of some line should be replaced by required
size pipe. Additionally, the present water deficit of town should be minimized by digging
addition wells or another source to fulfill the gaps between demand and supply.