In the study regarding pollution in Ganga River, heavy metals detection test were performed over three major cities located along the stretch of Ganga River, cities are Haridwar, Kanpur and Prayagraj. From the result, it was observed that the two elements Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) were found within the permissible limit in the test. Hence Ca and Mg were not considered in the result analysis. The traces of Zinc (Zn) at most of the places were much more than Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd) and Manganese (Mn), But within the permissible limit. The traces of Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Selenium (Se) and Arsenic (As) were exceeds the permissible limit (IS 10500). The traces of elements in Kanpur samples were such as Cr 0.02-0.98 ppm, Fe 1.9-2.3 ppm, Se 1.8-2.3 ppm, As 3.8-4.2 ppm. In Prayagraj, the concentration of Cr is less than the Kanpur, but it can be observed from the graph traces of other elements like Fe, Se, and As were high. Their ranges are such as Cr 0.01-0.04 ppm, Fe 3.6-8.2 ppm, Se 1.5 ppm, As 5-5.5 ppm. The traces of different elements in Kanpur as shown such as Cr 0.48 ppm, Fe 3.48ppm, Se 1.8 ppm and As 6.4ppm.In Prayagraj, the traces of elements as shown fig. 5b at different points are, at upstream Cr 0.01 ppm, Fe 5.12 ppm, Se 1.0 ppm, As 8.71 ppm. At confluence point Cr 0.1ppm, Fe 0.93 ppm, Se 1.16 ppm, As 4.52 ppm. At downstream point Fe 3.08ppm, Se 0.96ppm and As 6.04ppm. Presence of such toxic elements in Ganga River can cause an adverse effect on human health as well as the ecosystem of the river, Environmental condition, and Industries. Fe, Se, and As are the elements, Having exceeded value is very at most of the place. The exceeded value of elements such as Fe 7.9ppm, Se 1.49ppm and As 5.4ppm. In second objective tells about the agricultural Land contamination of the Jajmau area in Kanpur Uttar Pradesh to find out the chemical pollution in soil due to industrial waste. The tanning industry in the Jajmau had been established since 1940, now the impact of such industries on the land is a severe threat to human life. The soil sample for three different seasons get collected and stored, After that with the help of leaching process and ICP-MS test, study of metals like Magnesium (Mg), Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Arsenic (As), etc over agricultural field along the banks of Ganga River, namely Jajmau area. The traces of Arsenic (As), Magnesium (Mg) and Iron (Fe) at the study area were much more than Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd) and Manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr).The traces of different elements of Soil samples for pre-monsoon are in parts per million (ppm) are such as Cr 0.006-0.01 ppm, Fe 0.38-3.0 ppm, Se 0.7-0.85 ppm, As 25-55 ppm, Pb 0.01-0.25 ppm, Cu 0.005-0.01 and Cd is much less as compared to
other elements. For monsoon season soil sample, the traces of elements are such as Mg 18-94 ppm, As 25-42 ppm, Fe 6-9 ppm, Cr 0.7-1ppm, Se 0.8-0.83 ppm, Cu 0.06-0.07 ppm, Pb 0.02-0.04ppm, and Mn 0.03-0.05ppm, whereas still the traces of Cd presence indistinct amount. Now, for the post-monsoon soil sample, the traces of elements are such as 67-109 ppm, Mg 0.49-32 ppm, Fe 3-46 ppm, Cr 0.04-3ppm, Se 0.6-1.58 ppm, Cd 0.007-0.29 ppm, Pb 0.012-0.8ppm, Cu 0.1-.4 ppm, and Mn 0.13 ppm. It has been observed that the traces of Arsenic, Iron and Magnesium are much high as compared to other elements. In post monsoon result Fe is much higher as compared to pre-monsoon and monsoon results. Diseases like renal dysfunction, Lung diseases, Kidney and Liver damage, Damage to nerve tissue, Bone disorder, Damage to the central nervous system etc, cause on human life. The presence of heavy metals in soil can reduce crop production, also contaminated the river or lake which in turns destroy underwater ecosystem like the killing of fishes, destroy of aquatic plants etc. We need to identify those industries, which are discharging their effluent directly into the Ganga River and strict action must be taken against them. Power is known as back bone for any developing nation, developing nation like India is still facing issue to full fill the demand of power in some part of the country. Government of India approved 2000 MLD STP projects (under Ganga Cleaning Program) in the cities along the Ganga River. STP plants require uninterrupted power supply for its operation; it is a tough challenge for the government bodies to manage power. On looking to such issue, the idea of power generation techniques in STP plants in the following ways are 1. By placing turbines at outlet channel and constructing small power house inside the plant, 2.Use of Solar panels over the roof area and open land inside the plant premises.