Solar cell technology is one of the pivotal divisions of the clean energy sources that have been utilized worldwide for power generation. In that sense, silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium telluride are conventional materials, in addition with brand-new materials such as perovskites, organic semiconductors and quantum dots. Though, perovskite materials are more fascinating owing to its high efficiency, inexpensive scaling process and greater flexibility which has directed researchers in the field of photovoltaics. However, there are some hassles which hinder the commercialization such as instability due to moisture, elevated temperature and ultra-violate illumination. Many concepts have been reported to improve the stability such as addition of different inorganic cation, mixing of halide anions, changing metal cation, passivation etc. It is because of low ambient stability of the three dimensioanl (3D) perovskites that dictates the research to new path of mixed dimensional 2D/3D perovskite. This approach is adopted as an alternative way to stabilize perovskite. A ligand with large organic cation is hydrophobic in nature which in turn are used for the formation of hybrid 2D/3D perovskite. In this report, preliminary study is done on an organic pseudohalide based ligand which is used as an additive to enhance the ambient stability of perovskite solar cells in day-to-day life