Adverse impacts of global climate change including extreme high temperature on cereal crop
production have been evidenced at the global level. In plants, the elevated temperature above the
optimal range dramatically impairs the process of both vegetative and reproductive phases of the
development, mainly due to disruption in their vital metabolic processes. However, plants
possess an inherent rescue machinery to combat such stressful conditions. Heat shock proteins
(HSPs) and heat shock factors (HSFs) are the crucial components of these stress associated
rescue mechanisms and also required for normal biological processes.
In the present study, a genome wide identification, evolutionary relationship and comprehensive
expression analysis of Hsp70, Hsp90 and Hsp100 gene families have been performed in barley.
Barley genome was revealed to possess 13 members of Hsp70 gene family, along with 4
members of Hsp110 subfamily, 6 of Hsp90, and 8 members of Hsp100 gene family, and Hsp
genes were found to be distributed across all 7 chromosomes of barley. The encoded protein
members of these genes were predicted to be localized to cell organelles such as cytosol,
mitochondria, chloroplast, and ER. Despite a larger genome size, lesser members of these Hsp
genes in barley were observed owing to less duplication events. The variable expression patterns
obtained for genes encoding the proteins localized in same subcellular compartment suggest their
possible diverse roles and involvement in different cellular responses. Expression profiling of
these genes was performed by qRT-PCR in an array of 32 tissues, revealed differential and tissue
specific expression of various members of Hsp gene families. We found the upregulation of
HvHspc70-4, HvHsp70Mt70-2, HvHspc70-5a, HvHspc70-5b, HvHspc70-N1, HvHspc70-N2,
HvHsp110-3, HvHsp90-1, HvHsp100-1, and HvHsp100-2 upon exposure to heat stress during
reproductive development. Furthermore, their higher expression during heat stress, heavy metal
stress, drought, and salinity stress has also been observed.
HSFs of class A are the regulators of several heat shock and other abiotic stress responsive
genes. In the present investigation, the constitutive overexpression of class A heat shock factor
HvHSFA2c was achieved in barley. Several overexpressing transgenic lines were identified and
analyzed for transgene expression by performing histochemical gus assay, genomic PCR, RT and
q-RT PCR. The transcriptomics studies of overexpressing transgenic lines through RNA-Seq
revealed the potential putative target genes of HvHSFA2c. Here, we inferred that HvHSFA2c
may be acting by inducing the transcription of chaperone encoding genes belonging to all five
classes of Hsps regulating the protein homeostasis of plants. Apart from chaperones; HvHSFA2c
may also be regulating the expression of genes associated with calcium-mediated signal
transduction pathways, which have been known to be associated with the heat shock response of
plants. Also the upregulation of genes involved in biosynthesis of jasmonic acid and its
signaling, projected the involvement of JA in heat stress tolerance associated mechanisms.
Similarly, the differential expression of early and late auxin responsive genes and gibberellin
homeostasis associated genes suggested that HvHSFA2c may be regulating the activity of these
phytohormone associated growth mechanisms of plants.
Both photosynthetic and respiratory processes are vital for the plants and adversely affected by
HS. The overexpression of genes related to light and dark phases of photosynthesis and
mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chains suggested that HvHSFA2c may be providing
thermotolerance by stabilizing the activity of these pathways. The differential expression (up and
downregulation) of several other stress associated transcription factors such as WRKY, Myb,
AP2/ERF etc. suggested the convergence of stress associated signaling and transcriptional
We further inferred that HvHSFA2c may also be potentially targeting the ROS scavenging
pathways by activating flavonoid biosynthesis, and antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide
dismutase catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. The higher activity of these enzymes was further
validated in our overexpressing transgenic lines. Here, we concluded that, the genes associated
with these described pathways may potentially be observed under the direct or indirect regulation
of HvHSFA2c. Furthermore, the comparative metabolic profiling of wild type plants of barley
subjected to HS and plants grown under controlled conditions was performed to analyze the
metabolic adaptation of these plants during heat stress. The changes were revealed in
metabolomics fluxes of non-reducing sugars, several amino acids, and accumulation of
secondary metabolites which may be protecting plants during heat stress conditions.
This study provided the insights of heat stress tolerance mechanisms in barley plants through
comparative genomic studies of high molecular weight heat shock proteins, and functional study
of a heat shock factor HvHSFA2c. The metabolomics study suggested the alterations in key
metabolic processes such as citric acid cycle, carbohydrate metabolism and secondary