Refraction Microtremor method is a class of non invasive method with a
passive source which uses ambient seismic noise to gather data along an
array of geophones to predict the velocity model of the subsurface. This
method was developed by John N. Louie in 2001 and based on the
premise that simple geophones arranged in an array using passive source
is able to receive very low frequency waves and that a 2D
slowness-frequency (p-f) transform can separate Rayleigh waves from
kinds of waves. The advantages of this method over other methods are that
it is very fast and not very expensive, the tool and instruments required are
readily available, it is not affected by sources of noise and can be used
discreetly without an active source.
But studying ReMi data is without the use of commercial software is tough
as the data is kept secret using proprietary file standards and other
In this study, I present to you a computer program written in Python 3 which
is able to generate a synthetic seismic traces similar to actual ReMi
acquisition data and a separate program which is able to convert initial data
in the form of amplitudes relative to distance and time ( A(x,t) ) and convert
it to slowness-frequency (p-f) domain which can later be used derive
subsurface velocity properties using various forward modeling and
inversion methods.