dc.description.abstract |
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles(PHEV)iand Electric Vehicles are rollediout for the consumer,
and become popular in a short period of time.With the advent of Batteryichargers
for PHEVs there is a big opportunity for the powerisupply Industries to deployilarge number
of charging stations ,affordable and easy to use,home charging station . Overall charging
efficiency advancement is a important factor for the approval of these itechnologies,when
the performance increase the charging hour and service charge decrease. Power factor
correction is important to achieve regulatory standards for the AC supply mains.
Chargers with smaller size which could render more power are needed as minimal
space is available in vehicle and power consumption is increasing with time,Important
part of a charging system is the AC-DC converter connected in front end, which should
attain high power density and high efficiency . Different front end AC-DC conventional
plug in hybrid electric vehicle charger converter topologies are examined and to enhance
the efficiency and performance a new bridgelessiinterleavediandia phaseishiftedisemibridgelessipowerifactoricorrected
converter are proposed , which is remarkable to optimize
theichargerisize, chargingitime,iandithe amountiandicostiof electricityidrawnifrom
the utility. A comprehensive analyticalimodeliforithese topologies is developed,with the
help of which powerilossesiandiefficiency are calculated . Experimentaliand simulation
results ofiprototype Bridgeless interleavediboost converter which convertithe universal
AC input voltage toi400 V DC at 3.4 kW areiprovided to authenticate theiproof of concept,
and analyticaliwork discribed in this thesis.iThe results show a powerifactor greater
than 0.99 from 750 Wito 3.6 kW, THD less than 5% from half load to fulliload and a
peak efficiencyiof 98 % ati264 V input andi1000 W load |
en_US |