The controller design has been a prime focus since the evolution of control theory.
Since then, various methodologies for controller design have come up. In classical
controller design domain, one such technique is the Internal Model Control. This
dissertation work presents a deep insight in the Internal Model Control (IMC)
theory. The IMC theory is built around the internal model principle. The overall
IMC strategy is analyzed thoroughly. Although there are many other advantages
of IMC, one exciting fact about this technique is that the control is achieved via
only one tuning parameter ( ). In spite of having some fine advantages, there is a
particular drawback that there isn’t any systematic tuning rules for finding the
value of . In literature, some techniques have been developed so far for the
evaluation of but most of them have failed in some or the other way. Because
of this, usually researchers opt for the hit and trial method. To overcome this
difficulty, this dissertation presents a new approach in the quantitative
computation of the tuning parameter . This has been carried out by
incorporating the advanced control techniques in the classical control, i.e. the
Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) approach in IMC. A systematic algorithm for
determining the tuning parameters is developed and elucidated in an orderly
manner. The proposed approach was successfully applied on the different types of
plant models and for Load Frequency Control (LFC) problem for power systems.
The system responses are simulated and the results are neatly depicted. The
simulation results are testimony to the efficacy of the proposed technique.