Tra c congestion is a widespread concern since the emergence of automobiles. The most
a ected areas are road intersections which are vulnerable to fatal accidents and environmental
damages. In the past decade, a number of strategies and technologies have been developed to
mitigate this problem. The conventional strategies such as tra c lights, use of public transport,
etc.. have been bene cial. However, innovative strategies are still needed. One of the emerging
technologies is autonomous driving in cooperative intelligent transportation systems using
vehicle to everything (V2X) communication. Vehicles travel along the road by exchanging information
with their surrounding using V2X communication. IEEE 802.11p protocol supports V2X
communication for achieving tra c e ciency along with road safety. Furthermore, for increasing
the road capacity, vehicles travel in tightly formed groups called platoons following coordinated
movements of their leaders. For better tra c
ow control, the advanced driver assistance strategy
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is adopted. CACC is a longitudinal control
system for intelligent automatic cruising of platoons.
This thesis work aims at implementing and analyzing the cooperative platoon based scheduling
strategies for managing road intersections using V2X communication. The rst strategy
considers space based tra c control (STC) that involves platoon rearrangement to utilize road
capacity and maximize number of vehicles crossing intersection in green phase of signal. The
density based tra c control (DTC) allows tra c of greater density to pass through the intersection.
The proposed position based tra c control (PTC) prioritizes platoons based on their
proximity to intersection. DTC and proposed PTC are decentralized approaches which have platoons
making their own independent decisions on crossing intersection. They involve dynamic
tra c lights which reserve time space and activate desirable phase for incoming platoons dynamically
to reduce waiting delay at red signal. Performance metrics of IEEE 802.11p protocol
such as channel load and data packet losses are used for comparing the strategies. The three
strategies are implemented using a coupled network simulator with OMNET++ for vehicular
communication and SUMO for simulating tra c. Simulation results show better performances
of DTC and proposed PTC strategies as compared to STC strategy in terms of travel capacity,
throughput and waiting delay criteria. This thesis also illustrates that although DTC has comparable
results as those of proposed PTC, it lacks in reliability and safety due to high channel
busy ratio and packet loss ratio