In this work, we have characterize the low SNR capacity of Nakagami-gamma also known as generalized-K fading channel in nats per channel use with perfect channel state in-formation at both transmitter and receiver(CSIT-R). We have focus in Low SNR regime because wireless systems are now operating at Low SNR to have a higher energy e -
ciency. We have shown that Low SNR capacity of generalized-K fading channel scales as
SNR log2
, where m is the distribution shaping parameter and
is de ned
in terms of channel mean square as
, where k is also the shaping parameter.
Our Asymptotic Low SNR capacity follows the exact results obtained from simulation
which justify our analysis. We also provide an on-o scheme that is achieving our Low
SNR capacity results which indicates that this scheme can be practically implemented
at Low SNR. Further, we also Analyze another important parameter called energy e -
ciency of generalized-K fading channel at Low SNR in nats per channel use per joules
and also characterize the Minimum energy per nat that is required for reliable commu-