dc.description.abstract |
Transit OD matrix is a fundamental element of service planning and operation.As it
provides information about passenger trips between each pair of stops, OD matrix can
be crucial for route designing, route modification (extending or splitting), transit/crew
scheduling, vehicle composition, etc. Transit origin-destination matrices can be generated
at route or network-level. At route-level, no transfers are considered and trips are assumed
to be independent of each other, whereas working at network-level necessitates dealing
with trip interchanges, which makes the estimation process more complicated.
Traditionally, transit OD matrices are generated by conducting on-board surveys.
Such surveys are labor-intensive, time consuming and highly expensive. Therefore, utilizing
the readily available data in the estimation process has been the subject of many
research for the past few decades. Owing to the popularity of automatic systems such as
Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) , Automatic Passenger Count (APC) and Automatic
Vehicle Location (AVL) systems in public transport, it is more convenient now to collect
large-scale information about passengers’ mobility. The data obtained from such systems
have been widely used to study the mobility pattern of passengers in public transport.
Most recent studies used smart card data to infer passengers’ boarding and alighting
stations using trip chaining algorithm.
The problem of estimating OD matrix using boarding and alighting data is ill-posed in
nature. That is, there can be more than one possible solutions to the problem. To reduce
the degree of ill-posedness, previous methods such as Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF)
and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) used a seed matrix and tried to improve
the seed matrix through an iterative process. However, a base O-D matrix is usually not
available. In such cases, these methods fail to generate reliable results.
This study focuses on the estimation of transit OD matrix using boarding and alighting
counts. We have evaluated four different methods namely IPF, Markov Model, Uncertainty
Maximization and Compressed Sensing using true matrices obtained from the literature. We found that the IPF and Markov models generate almost the same results.
Compressed sensing approach, on the other hand, forces the solution to be sparse. This
approach is more suitable for trip-level OD estimation and may result in significant errors
if used for daily ridership data. Furthermore, we introduced a new model for route-level
transit OD estimation . Unlike compressed sensing, the proposed model employs ℓ∞
norm regularizer instead of Euclidean norm (ℓ2) and requires spot information about the
critical cell in each direction. Python API of CVXPY was used to solve the formulated
convex optimization problem. Our proposed model was found to outperform the existing
methods when tested for RMSE value and trip length distribution. In the most favorable
scenario, the RMSE value was found to be 18 compared to 145 and 95 for compressed
and IPF, respectively.
Lastly, we considered the case study of the Haridwar-Rishikesh metro corridor, which is
at the planning phase yet. We obtained the boarding and alighting data for this line
from ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited, which is hired by the Delhi Metro
Rail Corporation Limited for this project. The OD matrices for both directions of the
corridor were estimated and the results from different methods were analyzed for different
OD flows.
Overall, it can be seen from the results that the proposed approach can generate
OD matrices of comparatively higher accuracy than all four methods. Our proposed
methodology will enable transportation agencies to easily update old OD matrices or
generate new ones with high computational efficiency and minimal requirements for prior
information. |
en_US |