The economic prosperity of India depends upon the development
of agriculture as well as industry. Viewed in this context, agri
culture and industrial development should go hand in hand. In
view of this fact, it is necessary to examine the linkages between
agriculture and manufacturing sectors as their interdependence is
vital for "the economy.
The present study covers the following objectives •
(1) To identify the major industries which consume agricultural
output as their raw materials (i.e. as inputs), and those
which supply their output to agriculture as its input and
their relative importance in the transaction process, and
(2) To analyse the relationship between the factors affecting
the prices of foodgrains and manufactured goods.
FOr this purpose, time series data, with the base year
1970-71, have been collected from various government records/
official records and categorised into the periods for analysis -
as tpre-green revolution' period (1964-70) and'post-green revolu
tion period' (1570-80) - for parameters like prices, agricultural
production, industrial production and so on.
The major industries have been categorised into two groups :
(i) Agro-based industries (such as cotton, jute, sugar, rice mill
ing plants, pulses milling plants etc. and (ii) Industries which
supply their output to agriculture: sector(such as fertilizer,
insecticides and pesticides, improved implements stfid machinery,
tractors, pumpsets, tubes etc.). Next output-input relationship
has been determined and ratios of both sectors have been computed.
For smoothening out the wide fluctuations of input-output prices,
the three years moving average has been worked out. The flow of
agricultural output to agro-based industries has also been estimat.
ed. Moreover, simple and compound growth rates of both sectors
have been worked out.
To examine the factors affecting the prices of foodgrains
and manufactured goods, an economic model of the following type
has been adopted and "tiie relationship is shown as follows :
Q- = % (P )
(3 = f2(^,y)
r = f3(^, ©)
a = f4(«, f)
X = f5(u, f)
© mNational income (in '00 crore Rs.)
6 = FOodgrains production (in '000 tonnes)
a = Foodgrains prices (wholesale, Rs.)
K = prices of manufactures (in Rs.)
Y mSavings (in crores of Rs.)
$ = Terms of trade (ratio)
5 » Availability of foodgrains per capita(gms/Per day)
If «Money supply with the public (in crore Rs.)
u = Industrial production (in crore Rs.)
In order to find out their relationships botti the linear and
log-linear forms of equations have been attempted for both the
periods, i.e. 1964-70 and 1970-80, which represent the pre-green
revolution and post-green revolution period respectively. A
programme was run for analysis of data on the Roorkee University
Computer DEC-2050.
Further, an attempt has also been made to examine the effects
of the independent variables by dropping one variable turn by turn
in each succeeding functional analysis. The problem of multicollinearity
among the independent variables has been tested through
simple correlation, (i.e. zero order correlation matrix) . Those
variables which have higher zero-order correlation with signifi
cant regression coefficients have been dropped, and the best fit
analysis has been carried out for the remaining variables. However,
to remove the effects of autocorrelation, Durbin Watson test has
been used.
The analysis Indicates that during 1968-69, the extent of
manufacturing sector's dependence on agriculture was much heavier
than the extent of dependence of agriculture on manufacturing
sector. As regards the industrial supply to the agricultural
sector, there was an alround increase : in fuel consumption,
material consumed, total input and output, year after year throughout
the study, with an interruption only in 1974-75. Bna increase
of input-output ratio in case of both sectors showed a higher
production efficiency.
In view of factors affecting prices of foodgrains and manu
factured goods, it is found that the money supply consistently
and positively influenced their prices. Industrial production in
the country during 1970-80 was influenced significantly by the
independent variables, such as raw materials and other inputs.
On the other hand, foodgrain output is affected significantly by
the independent variables like improved seeds, fertilizer consump
tion and improved implements/machinery.
Thus, having arrived at these findings, the suggestions have
been offered under various groups such as improving the intersectoral
linkage, terms of trade, price affecting factors, savings
and capital formation and production determinants.