The pulping concept of ETMP (Energy Efficient Thermo-Mechanical Pulping) or ECTMP
(Energy Efficient Chemi-Thermo Mechanical Pulping) is an innovative idea for reducing the
energy demand in mechanical pulping. In the present investigation mechanical pulping
potential of bagasse were studied using TMP, CTMP and ECTMP pulping methodology. The
experimental trials with electron beam exposure and subsequent pulping have been carried out
at Radebcrg and I-Ieinsberg (Germany) laboratory. Evaluation of puips was conducted at the
laboratory of TIJ Dresden. Germany.
Results of corresponding investigation, which have been carried out in the limited time were
found encouraging. This study explored the potential of new approach adopted fr energy
savings and quality improvement. Results of the investigation are presented in this thesis as
the first attempt to apply electron beam irradiation to bagasse fiber to examine the energy
saving potential.
The effects of irradiation on energy saving and paper properties are discussed in detail. The
studies indicate that there is potential of more than 50 % energy saving by irradiation
pretreatment of bagasse prior CTMP when compared with TMP of bagasse.