Delhi and its surrounding region have suffered earthquakes since historical times.
Understanding of seismicity of these areas is essential as these areas fall in the seismic zone
IV and are geologically confined to the Delhi Fold Belt. A total of 376 local earthquakes
occurred between January 2001 and December 2012 and recorded by the Seismic Telemetry
Network operated by India Meteorological Department (IMD) in and around Delhi region
between latitude 270N to 30.50N and longitude 750 E to 790E were located. Seismicity in
Delhi region shows occurrence of earthquakes along various portions of the fault systems of
the Delhi Fold Belt. Using five initial velocity models, a minimum one dimensional (1D)
velocity model is estimated from the travel-time inversion of local earthquakes. For
incorporation of data for inversion, only those earthquakes are chosen for each of which a
minimum of four P- and four S-phase readings are available. After relocating earthquakes
with a 1D velocity models we found that most of the earthquakes beneath Delhi and its
surrounding regions occur at depths between near surface and 50 km below the mean sea
level. Estimated Moho depth is about 45 km. The estimated body wave velocity model shows
that the P wave velocity and S wave velocity in the crust varies from 5.8 km/s to 6.99 km/s
and 3.32 km/s to 3.75 km/s respectively. The velocity variation of P wave shows that the crust
is made up of three distinct layers. The Vp/Vs ratio as observed from present study shows a
variation from 1.68 to 1.76 except the depth interval 45-50 km where the same ratio is 2.0.
This shows that a fluid-filled fractured zone is present just above the Moho.
Attenuation of seismic wave energy from Delhi and its surrounding regions has been
estimated using coda of 190 local earthquakes from the same network. Estimated quality
factor (Qc) values are found to be strongly dependent on frequency and lapse time. Frequency
dependency of Qc has been estimated from the relationship Qc(f) = Q0f n for different lapse
time window lengths. Q0 and n values vary from 73 to 453 and 0.97 to 0.63 for lapse time
window lengths of 15 s to 90 s respectively. Average estimated frequency dependent relation
is 𝑄𝑐 = 135 ± 8𝑓0.96±0.02 for the entire region for a window length of 30 s, where the
average Qc value varies from 200 at 1.5 Hz to 1962 at 16 Hz. These values show that the
region is seismically active and highly heterogeneous. To investigate if there is a spatial
variation in attenuation characteristics in this region, the entire study region is divided into
two sub-regions: area surrounding north-eastern part of Delhi Haridwar Ridge marked as
region 2 and area surrounding south-western part of Delhi Haridwar Ridge marked as region
1, according to the geology of the area. It is observed that at smaller lapse times both regions
have similar Qc values. However, at larger lapse times the rate of increase of Qc with
frequency is larger for Region 2 compared to Region 1. This is understandable, as it is closer
to the tectonically more active Himalayan ranges and seismically more active compared to
Region 1. The difference in variation of Qc with frequencies for the two regions is such that at
larger lapse time and higher frequencies Region 2 shows higher Qc compared to Region 1. For
lower frequencies the opposite situation is true. This indicates that there is a systematic
variation in attenuation characteristics from the south-west (Region 1) to the north-east
(Region 2) in the deeper part of the study area. This variation can be explained in terms of an
increase in heat flow and a decrease in the age of the rocks from south to north.
Records of 77 local earthquakes with a magnitude range 2.8–4.5, recorded using 8
Broadband stations operated by IMD from 2011 to 2013, were analyzed to estimate the
attenuation characteristics of the NE India region using coda of the earthquakes. It is
seismically one of the most active zones in the world. Estimated Qc values are strongly
dependent on frequency and lapse time. The entire study region is divided into three subregions:
Shillong plateau, Mikir hills and central part of Indo-Burma Ranges to investigate if
there is a spatial variation in attenuation characteristics in the region. Estimated average
frequency dependencies of coda wave attenuation for 30s window length are 𝑄𝑐 = 135 ±
7𝑓0.99±0.03 for Shillong plateau, 𝑄𝑐 = 109 ± 7𝑓1.10±0.03 for Mikir hills and surrounding
Brahmaputra River Valley and 𝑄𝑐 = 90 ± 2𝑓1.04±0.02 for the central part of Indo-Burma
Ranges. The depth variations of the Qc, Q0 and n values are also examined. It is observed that
the rate of increase of Q0 with depth is not uniform for all the sub-regions. The central part of
Indo-Burma Ranges has the smallest Q0 and the largest n values at all depth levels amongst
the three sub-regions. These results indicate that the central part of Indo-Burma Ranges is the
most attenuative, seismically active and heterogeneous in nature. However, this region has
smaller Qc values than the other two sub-regions for all window lengths up to the 6 Hz. This
means at lower frequencies the subsurface beneath this area is more attenuative compared to
the other two sub-regions. Similar trends are observed at 8, 10 and 12 Hz, up to 45 s window
lengths. For window lengths ≥ 55 s, the central part of Indo-Burma Ranges has higher Qc
values at 10 and 12 Hz compared to the Shillong plateau. Qc values are lower for Shillong
plateau compared to the other two regions for window length 55s at 10 and 12 Hz, which
corresponds to depth levels 90 km. Such a complicated variation in Qc values is a
manifestation of complex nature of tectonic regime in NE India.
The frequency-dependent attenuation of P and S waves has been estimated using the
extended coda normalization method for both Delhi and its surroundings, and NE India. A
total of 84 local earthquakes for Delhi with a magnitude range of 2.0 to 4.2 recorded by five
broadband stations operated by IMD were analyzed for this study. For NE India 82 local
earthquakes with a magnitude range of 2.8 to 4.5 recorded by six broadband stations operated
by IMD were used. The P, S and coda-wave spectra are analyzed for 5 seconds windows at
the central frequencies of 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Hz. Both Qp and Qs values increase
with increasing frequency for Delhi and NE India. Qp increases from 60 at 1.5 Hz to 493 at
12 Hz and Qs increases from 133 at 1.5 Hz to 1250 at 12 Hz for Delhi region whereas for NE
India Qp and Qs increases respectively from about 50 and 116 at 1.5 Hz to 496 and 1519 at 12
Hz. The obtained relations for P and S wave are 𝑄𝑝 = 42 ± 2𝑓0.99±0.02 and 𝑄𝑠 = 97 ±
19𝑓1.04±0.09 respectively for Delhi region whereas these relations for NE India are 𝑄𝑝 =
31 ± 3𝑓1.12±0.02 and 𝑄𝑠 = 86 ± 12𝑓1.16±0.06. For the NE India region, Qp0 and Qs0 values
are less compare to Delhi and its surrounding region. It indicates that NE India is more
attenuative compare to Delhi region at 1 Hz. The results obtained for average Qp and Qs in
this study for both region show good agreement with those for other studies carried out for
tectonically active regions, with high n (~1.0) values and low Q0 (<200) values, which are
characteristic of active regions in terms of seismicity and tectonics. The obtained ratio of
Qs/Qp for both the regions is >1 for the entire analyzed frequency range which indicates the
presence of a high degree of subsurface heterogeneities in the study region. The obtained
average value of Qs/Qp for NE India is 2.87 whereas this ratio is 2.43 for Delhi region which
indicates that the study regions are partially saturated with fluids.