In the present work energy conservation through process integration and total site integration of
sponge iron processes is carried out. For this purpose three different plants of coal based sponge
iron process such as Plant A, Plant B and Plant C are considered. These are based on SL/RN
process which is widely and most commonly used method in coal based sponge iron production
plants in India.
Two strategies are proposed namely Strategy I and Strategy 2. which are applied to all the three
plants. In Strategy I, concept of process integration is applied for energy conservation on all three
plants individually. Preheating of kiln feed and slinger coal is done using the heat of gas exiting the
ESP. preheating of kiln air is done through kiln exit sponge iron. and power generation is done
through heat of waste gas coming out from ABC. In Strategy 2. concept of total site integration is
applied to all three plants collectively. In this strategy kiln air is preheated with kiln exit sponge
iron in each plant separately, ESP exit gas of all three plants is collected and used for preheating
kiln feed and slinger coal in one of the plants. Further, ABC exit gas of all plants is collected in the
same plant and used for generating electricity.
For integration, stream data is collected and strategies are formulated. For each strategy hot and
cold utility requirements are computed using Pinch technology. 'l'hen energy balance is applied on
rotary kiln. 1-leat requirements like hot utility, sensible heat gain by coal, iron ore and air. heat for
moisture removal, kiln losses, and heat of reactions are considered. The amount of coal required is
calculated based on heat required inside the kiln. Using Strategies I and 2 preheating of coal, air
and kiln feed is carried out where inlet temperatures of these streams change. As these streams
enter to kiln at higher temperatures. these require less heat inside the kiln to reach the reaction
temperature. Thus, coal requirement in the kiln also reduces as it is the only source of energy.
Consequently amount of air required is also reduced.
In these strategies amount of air required is calculated based on amount of coal required. Sensible
heat gain requirement of air changes with change in amount of' air, which causes change in amount
of coal required. For each value of coal consumption, iterations are performed to find constant
amount of air required. For obtained fixed value of coal and air required, stream table is revisedand coal required is calculated again. Finally, constant amounts of coal and air are achieved. This
method is different than usual method of integration because process data cannot be separated from
utility data. Coal required in plant is process stream as well as utility stream which require
iterations within iterations.
For each strategy cost of equipment required for modification like g-s heat exchanger, ducts,
ceramic filter, and boiler turbine system is calculated. Finally, strategies are compared based on
amount of coal saving, water saving, capital required, profit per year, net profit, and payback
period. Among these strategies, Strategy 2 is selected as the best modification which gives profit of
Rs 11636.97 lakh/year and payback period of 4.20 years. It gives 32% and 97.1% savings in coal
and water consumption, respectively, in comparison to existing system whereas. for Strategy I
these are found as 22.2% and 96.9% only.