Controllability of distributed parameter systems, essentially of dymiamnical systems
governe(l by partial differential equations, has evolved into a widely researched topic
in less than t11r0e decades. Despite generating a (hstmctive identity and philosophy
as a part of the theory of dynamical systems, this research field has played a significant
role in the advancement of the extensive theory of partia.l differential equations.
In last few decades, control theory has contributed enormously to study of realistic
problems of elasticity such as thcrrnoelasticity, acroelasticity, problems depicting
interactions between fluids and elastic structures and real world problems of fluid
dynamics, to name but a few. Such real world problems present new mathematical
challenges. For instance, the mathematical foundations of basic theoretical issues
have to be enriched, along with the development of conceptual insights significant
to the (lesigners and the practitioners. This poses novel challenges that need to be
lii our present work we focuss on the existence, uniqueness and controllablity
of nonlinear functional differential equations. We use theory of sernigroup, cosine
family, measure of noncompactness and fixed point theorems to ol)tain the results.
The results can be applied to a class of functional differential equations, appearing
in the mathematical models of several physical phenomena to which the prototype
of partial differential equations modeling the phenomena., belongs.
rfll(s layout of the thesis, containing 10 chapters, is as follows.
Chapter 1 is introductory in nature. The delay differential equations and their
applications are discussed. The objective of work done, current status of the field
and layout of the t11e5is is also presented in this chapter.
Chapter 2 illustrates some basic properties of semigroup theory, cosine family,
measure of noncompactness, controllability, fractional and stochastic differential
In chapter 3 we study a functional differential equation with deviating argument
and finite delay to establish that it is approximately controllable.
The results of this chapter are published as 'Approximate Controllability of a Funct.
ioimal l)ilferential Equation with Deviated Argument' in Nonlinear Dynamics and
Systems Theory, Imifor Math, volume 14, no. 3, (2014), 265-277.
In chapter 4 existence of mild solution of a second order partial neutral (hffcreutial
equation with state dependent delay and non-instantaneous impulses is
investigated. We use Ilausdoril measure of nonconipactness and Darbo Sadovskii
fixed point theorem to prove the existence.
The results of this chapter are published as 'Existence of Solution for a Second-Order
Neutral Differential Equation with State Dependent Delay and Non-instantaneous
Impulses' in International JournaI of Nonlinear Science, World Scientific, volume 18,
no.2, (2014). 145-155.
Chapter 5 consists of two parts. The first part deals with the existence of mild
solution of an instantaneous impulsive second order differential equation with state
dependent delay. In second part non-instantaneous impulsive conditions are studied.
We introduce new non-instantaneous impulses with fixed delays.
The results of this chapter are in revision as 'Existence of Solution of Impulsive
Second-Order Neutral Integro-Differential Equation with State Delay' in Journal of
Integral Equations and Applications.
In chapter 6 we establish the existence and uniqueness of mild solution and the
approximate controllability of a second order neutral partial differential equation
with state dependent delay. The conditions for approximate controllability are investigated
for the distributed second order neutral differential system with respect
to the approximate controllability of the corresponding linear system in a Ihilbert
The results of this chapter are published as 'Approximate Controllability of a Seeond
Order Neutral Differential Equation with State Dependent Delay' in Differential
Equations and I)ynamical Systems, Springer, DOI 10.1007/.s12591 - 014 - 0218 -
6, (2014).
Chapter 7 is divided in two parts. In the first, part we study a second order
neutral differential equation with state dependent delay and non-instantaneous impulses.
The existence and uniqueness of the mild solution are investigated via Flausdorif
measure of norl-cOlnl)actlless and Darbo Sadovskii fixed point theorem. In the
second part the conditions for approximate controllability are investigated for the
neutral second order system under the assumption that the corresponding linear
system is approximately controllable. A simple range condition is used to prove
approximate controllability.
The results of this chapter are published as 'Existence of Solution and Approximate
Controllability for Neutral Differential Equation with State Dependent Delay' in Internatiorial
Journal of Partial Differential Equations, Hindawi, volume 2014 (2014),
Article ID 787092, 12 pages.
In chapter 8 we study a fractional neutral differential equation with deviating argument
to establish the existence and uniqueness of mild solution. The approximate
controllability of a class of fractional neutral differential equation with deviating argumdnt
is discussed by assuming a simple range condition.
The results of this chapter arc published as 'Approximate Controllability of a Fractional
Neutral System with Deviated Argument in Banach Space' in Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, DOI : 10.1007/812591 - 015 —0237—
y, (2015).
In chapter 9 the approximate controllability of an impulsive fractional stochastic
neutral integro-differential equation with deviating argument and infinite delay is
studied. The control parameter is also included inside the nonlinear term. Only
Schauder fixed point theoremim and a few fundamental hypotheses are used to prove
our result.
The results of this chapter are published as 'Approximate controllability of an unpulsive
neutral fractional stochastic differential equation with deviated argument
and infinite delay' in Nonlinear Studies, volume 22, no. 1, 1-16, (2015), CSP -
Cambridge, UK; 1&S - Florida, USA.
In chapter 10 the existence, uniqueness and convergence of approximate solutions
of a stochastic fractional differential equation with deviating argument is established.
Analytic semigroup theory is used along with fixed point approach. Then we investigate
Faedo-Galerkin approximation of solution and establish some convergence
The results of this chapter are accepted for publication as 'Approximations of Solutions
of a Fractional Stochastic Differential Equations with Deviated Argument' in
Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications in 2015.