dc.description.abstract |
The delivery of anticancer agents to the specific target sites with minimum side effects is an
important challenge in chemo, radio and gene-therapy. Magnetic Drug Targeting (MDT) is
one of the promising methods for effective targeting and delivery of drugs to a specific site
with aid of a local magnetic field [2, 6]. In this method, magnetic carrier particles loaded with
drug molecules are injected into the microvasculature upstream from the malignant tissue and
attracted towards the targeted region in the body with help of a local magnetic field [76, 168].
MDT is growing due to speedy progress in the growth of functionalized magnetic
nanoparticles, which are used for chemo, radio, and gene-therapy at a tumour site [16]. It is
also shown by various studies that MDT is relatively safe and effective method for targeting
drugs to a specific site [128, 134].
Thus present thesis entitled "Mathematical Modeling for Magnetic Drug
Targeting" describes the transport and capturing of magnetic nanoparticles flowing within a
fluid in a cylindrical tube under magnetic field for magnetic drug targeting (MDT)
applications. The trajectories and capture efficiency of magnetic nanoparticles flowing in a
fluid under magnetic field are studied through mathematical models. Additionally, in-vitro
experiments are performed to validate the mathematical models. The present thesis is divided
into six chapters and the chapter wise description is given below.
Chapter 1 contains an introductory aspects and survey of the field and describes an
overview on the theoretical and experimental studies on magnetic nanoparticles transported
under magnetic field for magnetic drug targeting. The general features and challenges in the
field of magnetic drug targeting are also reviewed.
Chapter 2 describes the effect of external uniform magnetic field on flow parameters
of fluid and magnetic particles in a cylindrical tube (simulated blood vessel) through a
- mathematical model based on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) approach. The governing
nonlinear partial differential equations are solved numerically using finite difference scheme.
Model results show that the velocity of blood and magnetic particles is appreciably reduced
under the influence of magnetic field. Further, artificial blood (75 % water + 25 % glycerol)
along with iron oxide magnetic particles were transported into a glass tube with help of a
peristaltic pump and experimentally measured their velocity at different magnetic fields
ranging from 100 to 600 mT. An experimental result of the velocity of magnetic particles
flowing within artificial blood in a cylindrical tube supports the mathematical model result.
Chapter 3 elaborates a mathematical model developed to predict the trajectories of a
cluster of magnetic nanoparticles in a cylindrical tube under the influence of a permanent
magnet positioned outside the tube. All forces, including magnetization, drag and buoyancy
expected to significantly affect the transport of nanoparticles are incorporated. The coupled
mathematical equations are solved numerically using classical fourth order Runge-Kutta
method. The results show that all particles are captured either before or at the centre of the
magnet when magnet is very close proximity to the blood vessel. This is due to the influence
of strong magnetic force, experienced by the magnetic particles, which is responsible to
attract them towards the magnet. It is optimized by this study that magnetic particles are
captured up to 4.5 cm distance (d) between the blood vessel and magnet. Further increase in
d value (above 4.5 cm) results the free movement of magnetic particles. In addition, the
present model results are validated through simulations performed using COMSOL software.
Chapter 4 presents a mathematical model to study the effect of magnetic field and
inlet velocity on capture efficiency of magnetic nanoparticles flowing in a cylindrical tube
under magnetic field. The dominant magnetization and drag forces, expected to significantly
affect the capturing of magnetic particles, are incorporated in the model. The mathematical
equations are solved analytically and numerically using classical fourth order Runge-Kutta
method. Enhancement in capture efficiency from 23 to 51 % has been observed through
mathematical model by increasing the magnetic field from 0.1 to 0.5 T, respectively.
However, decrease in capture efficiency is noticed from 51 to 25 % by increasing the inlet
velocity from 2 to 8 mm/s, respectively. In-vitro experiments were performed to study the
capture efficiency of magnetic particles at various magnetic fields and inlet velocities.
Experimental and mathematical model results are compared, which show good agreement
between them and hence validate the mathematical model.
Chapter 5 describes a mathematical model to predict the capture efficiency of
magnetic nanoparticles flowing in a fluid under magnetic field through inserting a
ferromagnetic stent coil in a cylindrical tube. The ferromagnetic SS-430 coil is used as a stent
and placed perpendicular to applied magnetic field inside the tube to further enhance the
capture efficiency. The dominant magnetization and drag forces, which significantly affect the
capturing of magnetic particles, are incorporated in the model and mathematical equations are
solved analytically. It is observed through the results the capture efficiency increases from 36
to 81 % as we increase the magnetic field from 0.1 to 0.5 T, respectively. It can be noticed
that the capture efficiency increases 1.6 times by using the ferromagnetic stent as compared to
without stent geometry (reported in chapter 4). Furthermore, decrease in capture efficiency
from 81 to 41 % is observed by increasing the inlet velocity from 2 to 8 mm/s despite of 1.6
times larger values of capture efficiency in respect of without stent geometry. In-vitro
experiments to measure the capture efficiency were also performed to validate the
mathematical model. An agreement in trend between experimental and mathematical model
results is observed, however, the value of capture efficiency in case of experimental is less as
compared to model results. Interestingly, this study shows that the capture efficiency can be
increased 1.6 times by using ferromagnetic SS-430 as a stent inside the blood vessel.
Finally, Chapter 6 presents the summary and concluding remarks of this thesis and
the possible directions of the future scope. |
en_US |