Stream aquifer interaction is one of the important components of the stream flow processes,
especially in deserts and water deficient regions. Apart from the natural recharge which contributes
to the groundwater storage due to rainfall-runoff process over a catchment, the stream-aquifer
interaction process also contributes to this storage over the catchment and also sustains the flow in
a river as baseflow. However, many a times this process is not given its due importance and
consequently not taken into account in the water availability assessment of the catchment. The major
objective of this study is to present different approaches of accounting this process during the
passage of a flood wave in a stream, when stream-aquifer is enabled by the prevailing stream bed
geological conditions of a stream, under the scenarios of stream fully or partially penetrating the
adjoining aquifer. It is assumed that the flow in the stream is one-dimensional, but the flow in the
aquifer can be one-dimensional or two-dimensional, depending on the existing flow scenarios in the
aquifer and the data availability. With this background, the following related problems are
investigated in this study.
Stream-aquifer interaction process play a dominant role in the form of lateral flow which
affects the flood wave transformation process in the considered study reach in the absence of runoff
causing precipitation in the intervening catchment of the study reach. Tracking a flood wave along
a stream requires the use of appropriate tools, like the flood routing model. The available literature
in this regard reveal the use of a variant of the well-known Muskingum method, known as the nonlinear
Muskingum method which routes the flood hydrograph considering non-linearity in the
routing process by duly accounting for the river-aquifer interaction process in the study reach.
However, this study uses the rating curve relevant to the study reach of the stream to convert the
discharge to stage or flow depth at mid-section of the considered sub-reach of the study reach for
using the governing equation of the stream-aquifer interaction process during the flood propagation
study. Therefore, the use of rating curve for converting discharge of the nonlinear Muskingum
method into the corresponding stage hydrograph required for considering stream-aquifer interaction
process in the study reach restricts the application of the nonlinear rating method only to steep slope
river reaches.
To overcome such a limitation in the use of such simplified routing methods in streams of moderate
bed slopes, this study proposes a better alternative simplified routing method which has the
capability to route a flood hydrograph characterized by discharge variable, but capable of estimating
the associated stage hydrograph required for accounting stream-aquifer interaction process in the
study reach without the use of established rating curve of the study reach. This method known as the
Variable Parameter Muskingum Method (VPMM) was proposed by Perumal and Price (2013).
Alternatively, one can directly employ a stage hydrograph variable based simplified routing method
for accounting stream-aquifer interaction process during the passage of a flood wave in a stream
reach duly accounting for stream-aquifer interaction process in the study reach. This method known
as the Variable Parameter Muskingum stage-hydrograph (VPMS) routing method was proposed by
Perumal and Ranga Raju (1998) which is capable of estimating associated discharge hydrograph at
the location of the study reach without using the established rating curve of the stream-reach. This
study employs both these two routing methods for accounting stream-aquifer interaction process
during the passage of a flood wave propagation in a stream reach, where this interaction process is
conducive to take place. Different possible stream scenarios with reference to the surrounding
aquifer environment are explored for accounting stream-aquifer interaction in a study reach of a
stream, like the stream fully or partially penetrating the surrounding aquifer. Also, the flow scenarios
of flow in aquifer being one-dimensional or two-dimensional can be considered in the study. A brief
summary of the outcome of the investigations carried out in the study are presented herein.
The present study is conducted with the following objectives: 1) Streamflow routing using
the VPMM method and assuming one-dimensional flow in the aquifer perpendicular to the stream
axis for the case of fully penetrating stream; 2) Streamflow routing using the VPMS method and
assuming one-dimensional flow in the aquifer perpendicular to the stream axis for fully penetrating
stream case. 3) Use of the VPMM and VPMS methods for streamflow routing and assuming twodimensional
flow in the aquifer perpendicular to the stream axis as well as parallel to it for fully
penetrating stream case. 4) Use of the VPMS and VPMM methods for streamflow routing and
assuming two-dimensional flow in the aquifer for partially penetrating stream case. The streamaquifer
model for fully penetrating stream has been developed for solving the one-dimensional
aquifer flow, where the stream flow is also considered as one-dimensional. The VPMM and the
VPMS methods considering stream-aquifer interaction have been verified using hypothetical data
and their field applicability have been demonstrated in this study. The Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
(NSE) estimate of the VPMM and VPMS methods for the hypothetical case studies are estimated to
be 0.9979 and 0.9994 respectively and the respective Root-Mean Square (RMSE) estimates are
found to be 0.84 and 0.43. The field application of the VPMM and VPMS show the NSE estimates
with respect to the monitored data are found to be 0.9557 and 0.9304 respectively and the respective
RMSE estimates of 0.0217 and 0.027, respectively.
The routing model considering stream-aquifer interaction process for fully penetrating stream has
been developed for solving the two-dimensional aquifer flow, where the stream flow is considered
as one-dimensional. The validity of the proposed methods has been checked by applying these
methods for the hypothetical case of step-rise input and by comparing the obtained bank storage with
the same obtained using an analytical method available in the literature for the same step-rise input.
The methods have also been applied on a hypothetical pulse input and the results show very close
reproductions with the corresponding hypothetical analytical results.
The stream-aquifer model for partially penetrating stream has been developed for solving the twodimensional
aquifer flow. The lateral flow estimation of this model has been obtained using
conformal mapping approach, which is based on the method developed by Aravin and Numerov
(1965). The conformal mapping approach has been applied on the field data of the Platte River of
Nebraska, USA using the VPMM method for streamflow routing. Results reveal that the VPMM
method can closely reproduce the hydrograph recorded at the downstream of the considered routing
reach. The NSE and RMSE estimates of the VPMM method are found to be 0.9922 and 10.26,
respectively with reference to the available monitored data. The results reveal that with the moderate
data requirements, the VPMM method can be chosen to evaluate the bank storage for a river segment.
In the present study, two verification approaches have been employed for producing discharge
hydrographs considering bank storage on both the sides of the channel cross-section. In the first
verification case of the considered approach of modeling stream-aquifer interaction, the explicit
finite difference method was used for the solution of the full Saint-Venant equations and the second
using the VPMM method (Perumal and Price, 2013). Also, the hydrographs reproduced by the
above-mentioned procedures have been compared with the explicit solution. Moreover, the VPMM
method simultaneously computes the stage hydrograph corresponding to a given inflow or routed
discharge hydrograph. Therefore, for the evaluation of bank storage, this method provides the values
of hydraulic heads which are equal to the river stages at each river-section. Overall, the study shows
the appropriateness of using the VPMM and VPMS methods accounting for stream-aquifer
interaction can be very useful field applications while routing flood in streams where stream aquifer
interaction process is dominant.