Due to the economic liability of fossil fuels and increasing global warming concerns, it is
required to develop alternative renewable and clean energy sources (such as solar, wind, and
hydroelectric power) intensively at wide scale. These developments have raised a strong
demand of high capacity energy storage systems with lower production costs and safety
requirements. Li-ion batteries (LIBs) have been considered as one of the most promising
energy storage system to meet these requirements. The first commercial Li-ion battery was
developed by Sony Company in 1991. The ever increasing demand of producing a high energy
storage system at lower cost drives the continuous research on various components of LIB.
There are three key components in a LIB system: cathode, anode and electrolyte. The modern
cathode materials have been prepared in their lithiated (discharged) state so that they can be
paired with delithiated anode with a minimum possibility of accidental short-circuiting during
the assembling of a battery. Hence, cathode materials always have a keen interest in research to
enhance the storage capacity and fast charging of a LIB. The commonly used cathode materials
are based on transition metals oxides or phosphates active material like LiCo02, LiMn204, and
LiFePO4 etc.
LiFePO4 is a potential material for the cathode of Li-ion battery because it possesses superior
performance as it has high discharge capacity of 170 mAhlg, flat discharge voltage (3.4 V)
profile, excellent thermal stability both at the charged and discharged states, high cyclability,
low cost and is environmental friendly. 1-lowever, a few limitations such as nominal discharge
voltage of 3.4 V vs Li/Li-ion, low electronic conductivity (10 S/cm), lower Li-ion diffusion
coefficient and poor performance at low temperature restrict LiFePO4 material from being used
as cathode in commercial applications. The limitation of low redox voltage of 3.4 V for
Fe2 /Fe3 couple can be solved by substituting Fe with the transition metals such as Ni, Co and
Mn in the structure of LiFePO4. The issues related to conductivity and diffusivity can be solved
by 1) powder particles size reduction, 2) doping and 3) conductive surface coating such as with
carbon and/or conducting polymers.
The reduced particle size of powder offers several advantages such as short diffusion length,
improved electron propagation, large electrolyte/electrode interface area and modified chemical
potential. In view of the above advantages the particles size reduction can improve the highrate
capability and cycling stability of LiFePO4 material. -
The coating with conducting materials of carbon and polymers improves the electrical
conductivity and Li-ion diffusivity of LiFePO4 resulting in its improved capacity and rate
capabiliy. The carbon coating is a potential approach to meet the theoretical capacity of
LiFePO4 at a nominal current rate. The effect of carbon coating is to impart high electronic
conductivity, enhance the Li-ion diffusion in LiFePO4/C composite. Despite of many
advantages carbon coating decreases tap density and volumetric density of cathode, and form
inactive Fe2P layer on LiFePO4 active particles.
Substituting the inactive carbon and binder with electrochemically active polymer can enhance
the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4. The conducting polymers viz. polypyrrole,
polythiophene and polyaniline are electrochemically active in the range of 2.2 - 3.8 V which
overlaps with the redox range (3.4 V for Fe2 /Fe3 ) for LiFePO4. Therefore, these conducting
polymers can act not only as conducting agent but also as host material for Li-ion
insert io n/ext ract ion.
This PhD thesis aims at exploring and investigating different polymers coated LiFePO4/C
cathode materials for lithium ion battery. Systematic studies on the synthesis, characterization,
cell fabrication and electrochemical testing have been performed.
The thesis has been presented in six chapters.
Chapter 1 presents a brief overview on non-conventional and conventional energy sources,
history of batteries development, and working principle of the lithium ion battery. This chapter
also introduces several advantages of lithium ion battery over the other type of secondary
Chapter 2 presents a brief description of the various components of Lithium ion battery. The
present status of various anode materials has been summarized. The detailed survey on cathode
materials with main emphasis on LiFePO4 has been conducted. The factors affecting the carbon
coating on LiFePO4 have been described. The promising methods of synthesis of
electrochemically active polymers have been discussed. Finally the recent development on
electrochemically active polymer coatings on the potential cathode materials has been
- summarized.
Chapter 3 deals with the synthesis and characterization of LiFePO4/C and polymers coated
LiFePO4/C. The LiFePO4/C nano-particles were synthesized by chemical precipitation method
and the in-situ polymer coatings on LiFePO4/C were developed by oxidation polymerization
method. Three types of electrochemically active polymer viz. polyaniline, polypyrrole and
polythiophene have been used to coat LiFePO4/C material.
Chapter 4 presents the process of LiFePO4 synthesis. The effects of 0.5 ml and 1.0 ml aniline
monomers on structure and thickness of carbon coating as well as on the particle size of
LiFePO4 have been investigated. The decomposition of the polymer coatings has resulted in
good graphitized carbon coating on the LiFePO4 particles. The electrochemical study shows
that discharge capacity of LiFePO4/C powder synthesized using I.0m1 aniline is higher than the
powder synthesized using 0.5m1 aniline. The higher rate capability and cyclability of LiFePO4
synthesized using 1.Oml aniline were attributed to the smaller particle size, higher Li-ion
- diffusion coefficient and higher electronic conductivity.
Chapter 5 is broadly divided into three sections and presents the detailed investigation on
mechanism of formation of polymer coatings viz, of polypyrrole, polythiophene and
polyaniline on LiFePO4/C particles.
In section-I, the Polypyrrole coating on LiFePO4/C (LiFePO4/C-PPy) particles has been
discussed. The XRD pattern of the polypyrrole coated LiFePO4/C composite confirms the
formation of two electrochemically active phases of LiFePO4 and Lioo5FePO4. The less porosity
in the polypyrrole coating grown in ACN solvent produces good connectivity of the core
particles resulting in higher electrical conductivity and Li-ion diffusivity. The composite
LiFePO4/C-PPy polymerized in ACN shows appreciable rate capability of 82 mAh g 1
compared to 40 mAh g for sample LiFePO4/C at higher current rate of 20C. The better rate
- capability of LiFePO4/C-PPy polymcrizcd in ACN was due to the higher electrical conductivity
and higher Li-ion diffusivity as confirmed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
The section-Il presents the investigation on polythiophene coated LiFePO4/C material. To
suppress the growth of Li3PO4 impurity phases, polythiophene coating was developed on Lideficient
and Li-excess samples of LiFePO4. It has been observed that only the polythiophene
coated Li-deficient Lio95FePO4 material was capable of suppressing the Li3PO4 impurity phase.
Polythiophene with different quantities of 4, 6, 8 and 12 wt% were deposited on Li095FePO4
material and the resultant materials are designated as Li0 95FePO4/C-PTh(4), Li095FePO4/CPTh(
6), Lio 95FePO4/C-PTh(8) and Lio.95FePO4/C-PTh(12) respectively. The EIS measurements
show that all the polythiophene coated L1095FePO4/C materials exhibit higher Li-ion diffusivity
and low charge transfer resistance (Rd). As the quantity of polythiophene increases in
composites the conductivity also increase. The improved rate capability of Li095FePO4/CPTh(
8) composite was due to optimum quantity of polythiophene covering and interconnecting
the LiFePO4/C particles.
In section-Ill detailed investigations on the polyaniline coated LiFePO4/C composite has been
presented. The in-si/u polyaniline coating on LiFePO4 particles was done using three different
oxidizing agents viz. (NH4)2S208, KMn04 and K2Cr207. Polyaniline (PANI) samples have been -
grown separately by self oxidation process using the above oxidizing agents. XRD analysis
reveals the formation of single phase pure active material LiFePO4IC and mixed phase
containing LiFePO4 and FePO4 for polymer coated LiFePO4/C composite. The amounts of
polymer in the polyaniline coated LiFePO4/C composites synthesized using (NH4)2S208,
KMn04 and K2Cr207 are 14, 15 and 17 wt% respectively. Electrical conductivities of the
composite materials were determined by Impedance spectroscopy method. The composite
material synthesized with (NH4)2S208 has higher conductivity compared to those synthesized
with KMn04 and KCr,07.
Chapter 6 presents the major conclusions of the present study and scope of the future work.