Parametric amplification and oscillation due to
nonlinear interaction of laser beams with uniaxial crystals
have been known for sometime. Technical data required for
the design of these devices are still wanting. The scope of
this thesis concerns with the formulation and evaluation of
Design Data of Mechanically Tuned Parametric Amplifiers and
Optical Generators.
Design data on parametric amplifiers and tunable
oscillators using the three types of nonlinear uniaxial
crystals, KDP, ADP and LifJb03, were calculated by digital
o o
computer. Five laser frequencies from 3164 I to 5761 A
are taken for calculation of the phase-matching angles
in KDP and ADP crystals, both at the degenerate frequencies
and when ^(«Aw/w0) changes from 0 to 0.4 • Phase matching
angles have also been calculated for LiNb03 corresponding
to four laser pump frequencies from 6300 I to 11,523 A,
The refractive index data of KDP and ADP used were derived
by the computer from the equations by Zernike. These data
were then used by the computer to derive the phase match
angles from the equation
ne(9* =n° [l+(r2-l)sin2ft]
Ho attempt was made to approximate the equation, which may rosult
in difference between theoretical prediction and experimental
results* The curves between «0 and >p ore concave in shape
showing a minimum at about the middle of the range for >p
considered. This indicates that employing pump sources of
shorter wave-lengths are preferable* Because of larger variation
in refractive indices, LiBbQg, especially in shorter wave
lengths show greater angular spread A9 for a given &h.
Prom the plotted graphs for aach of these eases,
one can determine the phase matching angles corresponding
to any pump frequency and any eignal~to*idler frequency
ratio* Design Tuning curves are given from which one can
readily find the ^/^ ratio (or /) as the crystal is rotated
away from the degenerate angle #0* The mismatch gradients
(dk/d9) are derived wherefrom the power changes caused by
divergence of laser beams can be readily estimated*
User beams are essentially Gaussian in the trans
versal direction* The simpler theories of parametric processes
originated by plane waves are extended to Gaussian distribution
by adopting a simplified concept. Stationary modes of pulsed
oscillations are considered in Febry-Perot resonators with
plana parallel mirrors having mirror loss~eoeffieionts
ranging from 0*01 to 0.1 • The Q-values of resonators with
cavity length JL«lcm are obtained for different valuea of
>. and im These q-values are used to estimate the coefficient
of dielectric modulation m and consequently the threshold of
pump power required to excite oscillation in these resonators,
from Equations
All these are programmed seriatim in digital computer. A set
of computed values are given for R«0.99(l percent loss
coefficient) of plane parallel mirrors spaced 1 cm apart.
For a KDP crystal at the degenerate wavelength Xo«1.06 u
and beam radius w^wl mm of plane waves,
(3 * 4*449 x 106
m » 4*496 x lG7
8 a 12.66 KVcm1
Ip • 0.317 MWcm2
Pp * 10 KW
The pump threshold increases as one tunes off the degenerate
frequency. Graphical plots are given from which one can readily
find out the single-pass parametric gain of amplifiers consisting
of KDP, ADP and LiNbOg for any intensity Ip of the exciting
laser pump source and any ratio of the signal and idler
—1 frequency. As an illustration, the g values with E^lOO KVcm
in UNb03 (corresponding to I«30 MWcm2) range from 3.46 Np cm
at xai#06 u to 1.16 Np cm1 at A «2.3 u. The corresponding
signal-power gain are 24 and 4.7 db. The g values reduce with
tuning off the degenerate frequency.
CW oscillations caused by well-defined pump beams
from CW gas lasers are considered in the lowest modes of
confocal type resonators containing LiNbQg crystals in the
focal region. Beam radii at the beam waist are calculated
from the equation Js^oN/2*11© for tw0 typical values of
confocal parameter bQ=l and 5 cm at five laser frequencies.
These are then utilized to estimating the power required of
the pump source* At the degenerate frequency
P ^irh&o^fP'
As an illustration, the pump power required of an Argon-ion
(5145 X) laser in order to commence parametric oscillation
in a confocal resonator with b0»l cm and containing LiNbOg
crystal 1»1 cm, is 5*27 mW at the degenerate wavelength
> *1*03 u*-The threshold level rises to 8*87 mW at V «0*4 •
In cw parametric amplifiers much smaller gains in
Idler modes are available* If bo«10 cm, the beam radii are
w^«7*33 x105 cm2 at X8«0*936 uand w|«3.66 x3/55 cm2
for i «0.1 and >q*1*03 u* With a pump power of 10 mW
<>3*5145 X), the idler-to-slgnal power ratio t±(!)/?,<©)
is 2.15 x lO5 in a1=1 cm long crystal. The corresponding
ratio for oscillator is 7.73 x l5.
The threshold pump power, power gain and other
useful design data for mechanically tuned CW oscillator/
amplifier with LiNbOg crystal are evaluated by computer
at five pump frequencies and given in Tabular form. MKS
system of units is used in this Thesis*