Brands are the necessary source of identification and differentiation of firm’s products from
competitors but mere creation of brands is not sufficient in the age of competition. Making
brands stronger is how brand management is redefined and there comes the role of customer
engagement with the brands. ‘Customer brand engagement’ reflects the customers’ total
investment or their cognitive, emotional, and behavioural activity in the interactions with the
brand that goes beyond traditional purchases and transactions. Since its inception the research
on engagement has made a significant progress and management found it an influential tool to
manage customers; today it has achieved a feat such that the customer engagement marketing is
poised to replace traditional relationship marketing aimed at repeated transactions. Customer
brand engagement is contingent on customer-brand interactions which makes the role of
engagement inside brand communities of great importance. This is because the brand
communities act as unique platforms for multiple direct or indirect customer-brand interactions.
The brand communities hold a special place in offering brand relationships a broader meaning
as the members not only interact with the brands but other users of the same brand.
Despite a significant growth in the number of studies on customer brand engagement,
the concept has still remained in its infancy and the scope for further exploration has been
reiterated time and again. The limited number of empirical studies, insufficiency of brand
engagement drivers and consequences, absence of contextual focus in its exploration constitute
some of the crucial gaps in academic research that require further research attention.
Engagement of customers inside brand communities remains underexplored and important as it
brings favourable brand based outcomes. The promising role of brand psychological ownership
and brand value-congruity in stimulating brand engagement has also remains in its embryonic
stages of research. The blurred link between brand engagement and brand attachment and
shortage of studies covering brand loyalty as an outcome of brand engagement constitute the
specific gaps covered in this research work.
To address these gaps in the literature, this study proposes a conceptual model depicting
brand engagement drivers and consequences. Grounded in psychological ownership theory and
value-congruity theory, brand psychological ownership and brand value-congruity,
respectively, have been proposed as the drivers of customer brand engagement in the context of
brand communities. There is evidence in existing literature that brand psychological ownership
and the value-congruity can impact consumers’ relationships with the brands. The proposed
model portrays brand attachment and behavioural brand loyalty as the outcomes of customer
brand engagement as well. Following the descriptive, cross sectional research design, the
conceptual model is empirically tested with the data collected from 312 members of brand
communities through self-administered survey questionnaire. The data was analyzed with the
help of multivariate analysis techniques, viz., confirmatory factor analysis and structural
equation modelling.
The findings of this study confirmed the positive effect of brand psychological
ownership on customer brand engagement. The results also supported that value-congruity with
reference to the brand positively influences customer brand engagement. Additionally, it was
found that customer brand engagement affects customers’ attachment with the brands and
behavioral brand loyalty positively. Overall, the empirical support was obtained for all the
proposed structural relationships, thereby supporting the validity of the proposed model.
This study contributes to the theory and practice in certain ways. From an academic
standpoint, this study provides support for the application of psychological ownership theory
and value-congruity theory in ‘customer engagement in the context of brand communities’, an
area that remained largely obscure of the application of different marketing theories.
Psychological ownership towards brands has been covered in a handful of studies and this
study adds in that direction by conceptualizing the role of brand psychological ownership in
stimulating customer brand engagement. Similarly, this study extends the reach of congruity
theory in influencing brand engagement from the perspective of values, i.e., value-congruity
with reference to the brand. Apart from this, the study helps in elucidating on the debated ties
between brand engagement and brand attachment in existing literature. Lastly, the support for
creating brand based loyalty from brand engagement is also offered through this study.
From practical standpoint, the brand managers and brand community managers can
benefit from the findings of this study in the direction of engagement of customers with their
brands through brand communities. To engage customers with the brands, managers should try
to instill a sense of brand psychological ownership towards the focal brands inside their
communities. The managers should focus on creating a sense of value-congruity with regard to
the brand inside brand communities by identifying the human-values of the target segment.
This study can prove beneficial for the managers in a sense that they can achieve the crucial
objectives of having emotionally connected and loyal customers through customer brand
engagement. Managers are therefore advised to create brand communities to engage customers
with the brands and reap the benefits of having strongly connected and loyal customers that
will help them in making the brands stronger.