Unreinforced masonry (URM) is one of the primogenital and most broadly used building
material in the history of menfolk. There is a large number of URM buildings in the Indian
subcontinent, most of which have not been premeditated for seismic loads. Recent
Earthquakes have uncovered the seismic susceptibility of these URM buildings. The
masonry piers of URM buildings are generally strong enough to bear the compressive
forces, but weak in bending tension and in-plane shear. They are also very weak in out-ofplane
In this thesis an extensive study of numerical modelling of masonry components is
performed. Both FE modelling for a detailed analysis and EFM modelling for a more
global analysis has been performed. The FE model is first attempted to be validated before
being used to analyze a building model. The validation attempt is made by modelling the
small scale tests. The EFM model is also used to model the masonry building. In EFM
model the acceptance criteria to model the building in SAP2000 is done using ASCE
41(2017). The FE model is used model both the URM specimens and the retrofitted
specimens. Attempt is made to observe whether the EFM method can accurately predict the
URM behavior or not as it requires less computational resources