dc.description.abstract |
The seismic hazard assessment is concerned with the estimation of strong-motion
parameters at a site for the purpose of seismic safety assessment. It involves estimation of
the earthquake related phenomena such as ground shaking, fault rupture, ground failure or
soil liquefaction at a site. For the reliable assessment of the seismic hazard at a site the
level of ground shaking can be characterized by various types of ground motion
parameters and estimated in terms of peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Spectral
Acceleration (Sa).
In the present study Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) has been
carried out for the region of North-East India, which is one of the most seismically active
region of India. For this purpose, the study area is divided into eight seismogenic source
zones based on geology, tectonics and seismicity in and around the region of North-East
India. And by using Gutenberg-Richter recurrence relationship, the seismic hazard
parameters such as a, b and Magnitude of completeness, Mc has been completed for
sources zones. Also, all seismic hazard parameters have been computed by combining all
source zones into single source zone. An attenuation model proposed by boore et al
(2014),Campbell (2014), Abrahamson,silva,kamai(2014), Idriss(2014)considering for 2%,
5%, 10% damping for the probability of exceedance in 50 years. Average PGA results The
computed PGA and PSA values of the region are shown in the fallowing map by
usingArcGIS10.According to Campbell (2014) attenuation models the estimated PGA
values are higher in the source Zones-I, II and VIII. In source Zones-I and VII there exists
Gangtok which are hard rocks but in source zone-II mainly Bangladesh have soil
amplification. |
en_US |