Clusterbean or guar is an industrially important crop because of galactomannan gum
present in its seed endosperm. The productivity of clusterbean is reduced under saline conditions
which often occur in areas under clusterbean cultivation. Despite the commercial importance of
this crop, there is no report on the response of clusterbean plants to salt stress at molecular level,
lo understand the molecular mechanism of salt tolerance in clusterbean, a salt tolerant landrace
PLG- 15 and a salt sensitive landrace IC- 116824 were selected by testing the germination of seeds
of' Ii commercial varieties and 59 landraces of clusterbean at various concentrations of NaCl. ICPMS
analysis revealed that the Na accumulation in the roots and leaves of salt tolerant landrace
PLG-15 seedlings was less than that in the salt sensitive landrace IC-i 16824. The K loss from the
roots and leaves of PLG-15 seedlings was also less than that from the roots and leaves of IC-
116824 seedlings. The changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes, total carbohydrate and protein
contents, and accumulation of proline and glycine betaine under salt stress were also determined in
the two selected landraces. The specific activities of three antioxidant enzymes, namely, catalase,
superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, were found increased in the salt tolerant landrace PLG-15
under salt stress. An increase in total carbohydrate and protein contents, and proline and glycine
hetaine accumulation was also found in both salt sensitive and salt tolerant landraces under salt
stress. By designing primers from 12 ion-transporter genes of soybean, ion-transporter genes of
clusterbean were searched by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The PCR results
confirmed the presence of six ion-transporter genes in clusterbean. Out of these six genes, four
genes, namely, V-ATFASE, NHXI, KUP and KEA3, were found to express in the roots and leaves
of clusterbean seedlings. The quantitative real time (qRT) PCR results revealed that these four
expressed genes were upregulated in the roots and leaves of the salt tolerant PLG-15 seedlings
under salt stress. Fluorescence microscopy using Na-specific cell permeant fluorescent CoroNa
Red dye confirmed the results obtained by the ICP-MS analysis that at 50 mM NaCl stress Na
accumulation in the roots and leaves of the salt sensitive landrace IC- l 16824 was more than that in
the salt tolerant landrace PLG-15. On the basis of above findings, a molecular mechanism of salt
tolerance in clusterbean has been proposed.