Agricultural production, in general, is a function of
farm inputs, weather conditions, State Policy and Programmes,
Technological innovations etc. Of the farm inputs the most
important are irrigation and fertilisers, which result in
substantial increase in productivity. Productivity is
important for development of a colon try. High Yielding
Varieties have the potential to consume higher doses of
fertilisers and irrigation. Fertiliser plays a vital role
in increasing the agricultural production, because of
complementarity between irrigation and fertiliser. The
consumption of fertilisers in the country, which rose from
a mere 69,000 tonnes in 1950-51 to an estimated 64.20 lakh
tonnes in 1982-83 is expected to rise further.
Among the States in the country, Uttar Pradesh is the
largest based on population. In U.P., Meerut Division is the
most progressive, which compares with Punjab. Keeping in
view the contribution of the progressive farming in the States'
economy, Meerut Division was selected for the study. The
present study is intended to examine the distribution of
fertilisers, and role of different distributing agencies,
cost of fertilisers distribution, fertiliser's demand function
and farmers' preference for use of a particular fertiliser.
The data was recorded in a specifically structured
schedules. The secondary data was collected from official
records viz. Fertiliser News, Agricultural Situation in
India, Economic Times, Directorate of Economics and Statis
tics, Directorate of Agriculture, District Agricultural
Officers, Block Development Officers, Fertiliser Association
of India etc. However, the primary data pertaining to level
of education, income of the farmers and their preference for
the use of a particular fertilisers' brand was collected from
90 randomly selected farmers of 10 randomly selected villages
in Meerut Division. To study the farm income of the selected
farmers, they were categorised as marginal (Below 1.00
hectare), small (1.00 - 2.50 hectare), medium (2.50 - 4.00
hectare) and large (above 4.00 hectare) holdings. The data
pertaining to farm income were collected through Intensive
Survey Method. However, the same set of farmers were also
adopted for the study of their preference for use of a parti
cular fertiliser. The farmers were categorised according to
their role as consumer in the fertiliser market i.e. market
segmentation adopted, farmers served in each segment. To
study the level of education, which plays an important role
in the process of adoption of a 'new technology' 'scale'
technique was adopted.
Further, the data have been analysed using various
analytical tools. The fertiliser demand function is estimated
by applying the log-linear and linear model. The change in
price of fertilisers, and the income of the farmers are
treated as exogenous variables in the functions for estimating
the demand function for fertilisers separately both for all
crops (combined) and important crops grown in the Division was
estimated by applying log-linear and linear model of the form :
log Df = log a + b. log x1 + b2 Log x2 + b^ log x^ ♦
bLlog x^and Df =f(xr x2, xy x4), where Df =total demand
of fertilisers (quintals), x1 = irrigated area (hectares),
x2 =price of fertiliser (Rs. per quintal), x3 = income of the
farmer (Rs. per farm), and x^ - area under High Yielding
Varieties (hectares) . In order to determine the relationship
between the fertiliser demand and the independent variables
i.e. income of farmers per farm, irrigated area, price of
fertilisers, total cropped area, area under High Yielding
Varieties are regressed. The computer analysis was made to
arrive at the regression coefficients.
The study could generate base line data regarding
role of different distributing agencies, and also provide
knowledge of the consumers and their behaviour, which is very
essential for all the personnel in the distribution channel.
Knowing the consumer is very vital for the marketing
personnel especially in the buyer's market in which his
decisions affect the performance of the marketing organisa
tion. The focal point of any business activity is to locate
the consumers' with a view to serving them, which helps
in getting more and more business to the marketing organisa
tions. The consumers of fertilisers are the farmers, but
all the farmers do not behave in the same way. Hence, "the
study will be very useful for the marketing organisations
of the fertiliser manufacturing firms.
Apart from all these, the study will be helpful in
streamlining the existing distribution system of fertilisers
in order to protect the farmers from exploitation by the
private trade.