The Delhi fold belt (DFB) represents the Proterozoic Aravalli-Delhi orogeny, which lies as a
prominent NE-SW trending transverse structural heterogeneity at the leading edge of the
Indian peninsula. Precambrian orogenic belts help in understanding the evolution of
continents and play an important role to study the tectonic history of the cratonic regions.
These behave as structural heterogeneities on the underthrusting Indian plate and likely
control the earthquake ruptures of the Himalayan front.
The Proterozoic DFB in NW India shows a prominent NNE-SSW (~ 600 km) trending gravity
high. Past studies are mainly carried out along the Nagaur-Jhalawar transect towards the south
(~ 150 km) from the profile BB' of the study region. There is the abrupt absence of the Moho
signature below the DFB in the seismic sections, which is although present below surrounding
geological formations. Further, there is no detailed geophysical investigation addressing the
DFB structure towards the north (beneath Delhi, Rajasthan and Haryana states). The
interpretations in these studies are qualitative, and researchers have pointed lack of
understanding in the crustal configuration of the DFB due to speculative results.
In view of scanty geophysical studies, I have carried out a detailed analysis of gravity dataset
of the region to understand the crustal structure below the DFB. The study addresses whether
the structures modeled in the southern region of the DFB along the Nagaur-Jhalawar transect
in past studies are extending towards the north in the study region. The Bouguer gravity
anomaly of the study region is modeled using radially averaged power spectrum, wavelength
filtering, 3D structural inversion, wavelet source edge detector (WSED) method and depth
from extreme points (DEXP) method to constrain the crustal structure of the DFB.
The radially averaged power spectrum of the Bouguer gravity anomaly is used to derive a
priori model for an average depths of the layered interfaces, which are further used in
modeling. The Bouguer gravity anomalies are separated based on the characteristics of the
power spectrum to understand the deep and shallow structures. The 3D structural inversion is
performed on the long-wavelength filtered gravity anomaly to derive the 3D lateral variations
of the Moho interface. The derived Moho geometry is helpful in imaging the 2D density
modeling. I have developed and propose a new methodology named WSED, which is efficient
in deriving the source edge boundaries using gravity or magnetic data. The method uses
wavelet theory to identify the directional properties of the edges. The method is found
advantageous in comparison to conventional techniques. The method is used to identify the
geological boundaries in the DFB region. Among the multiscaling methods of source
characterization, the DEXP method independently estimates the homogeneity degree and
depth of the sources. The DEXP transformation is tested on the synthetic gravity and
magnetic data generated due to isolated and extended sources. The method is further applied
to the Bouguer gravity anomaly of the DFB region to delineate the shape and depth
information of the sources.
In the thesis, I propose a detailed 2D crustal density model for the first time in the study
region. The 3D structural inversion results show that the long-wavelength behavior of the
Bouguer gravity anomaly can largely be explained with a prominent upwarp in the Moho
interface. The DEXP results also corroborate this regional structure in the form of a horizontal
cylinder. The misfit in the anomalies is attributed to the existence of high-density mantlederived
underplated material formed by extension during Proterozoic age. The lateral Moho
variations indicate the absence of a northward extension of the DFB underneath the Indo-
Gangetic alluvium and deflection of the Moho towards NW direction along the Delhi-
Sargodha ridge axis. This likely indicates that the plume head got deflected westward
sometime after indentation of the NW corner of the Indian plate and its counter-clockwise
rotation after Eocene collision.