dc.description.abstract |
The thesis entitled "Asymmetric Synthesis Mediated by Novel Organocatalysts and Reactions
of 2-Alkenyl-p-benzoquinones" is divided into five chapters.
Novel Camphor-based prolinamides have been synthesized and employed as efficient chiral
organocatalysts for the C-C bond forming reactions such as aldol and Michael addition reactions.
Furthermore, stereoselective domino reactions of alkenyl-l,4-benzoquinones with enol ethers have
been carried out to furnish novel angular fused heterocyclic quinoid ring systems.
CHAPTER-1: Introduction
Enantioselective synthesis has become most important area in synthetic organic chemistry,
medicinal chemistry, agricultural chemistry, natural products chemistry and pharmaceutical
industries. New catalytic asymmetric reactions give us the opportunities to develop more efficient
methods for the synthesis of various highly potent chiral compounds, with successful applications
for the synthesis of various complex natural products as well as industrial production. However, in
catalytic approach, catalytic amount of small organic molecules or chiral metal complexes is
employed in the reaction and its regeneration and participation in parallel catalytic cycle complete
the reaction. Though, metal catalysts have significant advantages in asymmetric synthesis over the
organic molecules as wide substrate scope with catalytic acivity, they offer some troubles also such
as potential heavy metals high price, toxicity, pollution, waste treatment, etc. On the other hand,
metal free organocatalytic reactions unlike metal-ligand complexes, generally tolerate aerobic
conditions and do not require rigorous exclusion of water. They enjoy a broad spectrum of
substrates than enzymes and can be used in various organic solvents. Thus the development of
enantioselective organocatalysts is one of the most challenging and formidable endeavors in
modern science and technology.
This chapter also details a brief review on reactions of p-benzoquinones and domino
reactions. Benzoquinones are versatile intermediates in organic synthesis. Owing to functionalities
such as enone, p-benzoquinones undergo Diels-Alder reactions and [3+2] cycloaddition reactions.
These cross conjugated deienones can be utilized for the synthesis of carbocyclic and heterocyclic
ring systems.
CHAPTER-2: Synthesis and Charaterization of Novel Camphorsulfonamide-based
Prolinamide oreanocatalysts
This chapter deals with synthesis and characterization of novel camphor-based prolinamide
organocatalysts. Chiral monoterpene such as camphor, known to be used in several medicines
antiseptics and insecticides having rigid bicyclic structure are widely used synthons in asymmetric
synthesis. Camphor and its derivatives can afford a simple, inexpensive scaffold around which to
build a chiral catalyst. Such molecules arouse our attention to use these molecules as chiral
scaffold to develop proline-based chiral organocatalysts for asymmetric synthesis. For this purpose
we synthesized camphor and proline based organocatalysts as shown in figure 1................... |
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