dc.description.abstract |
The imperative demand of hungry data consumer is motivating research activities around the world
to develop wideband systems. In response to meet this demand, the wireless communication
industry steadily marches towards the next generation of network technology.
The upcoming fifth generation (5G) promises data rates that are one hundred times faster than the
existing networks, vastly improved connection and signal quality. However, the path towards 5G
is not an easy one; as there are many significant challenges facing the design of radio frequency
(RF) system and its real-world implementation; such as the use of Ultra-Wideband (UWB)
signaling and inter-/multi-band transmission. These challenges led to the introduction of spectral
efficient complex modulation schemes. These modern wireless waveforms result in the high peak
to average power ratio of the signal that pushes the power amplifier (PA) into the compression
region. In the compression region, it yields maximum efficiency, however it also causes signal
distortion due to the non-linearity of PA. The non-linearity of the PA causes unwanted signal
spilling into the adjacent channels as well as deterioration of the in-band performance. In a wireless
communication system, the spill-over effect is particularly important, and adjacent channel leakage
ratio- or ACLR as it is termed-is controlled and tightly specified.
The requirement of highly linear transmitter front end along with the high efficiency mandates the
deployment of linearization technique to neutralize the trade-off between linearity and efficiency
of the nonlinear transmitter. This work focus on an efficient analog and hybrid circuit
implementation, which are specifically tailored for PA linearization. Being analog in nature, the
predistortion linearization models do not require access to the baseband information as in Digital
Predistortion (DPD). In addition, the proposed predistorters also eliminate the constraint on the
system bandwidth of the conventional DPD.
The novelty and focus of this work lies in the system inversion of PA nonlinearity with a custom
RF components as well as circuit design and hardware implementation of analog circuits. The
analog circuits are chosen to alleviate the power dependency and complexity of the digital circuits.
This work investigates three analog models which are RF-in RF-out Analog Predistorter (APD),
Ultra-Broadband RF- Predistorter (UBB RF-PD) and Ultra-Broadband Multipath RF- Predistorter
(UBB MRF-PD) that aim to provide linearization to UWB signals using low cost and energy
efficient passive RF components. These models alleviate the need of Field programmable Gate
Array (FPGA), Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC), Digital -to- Analog converter (DAC), Mixers,
wideband transmitter and receiver chains etc. and still provide commendable linearization to UWB
The performance of the proposed RF-in RF-out APD and UBB RF-PD models are demonstrated
using 8 component carrier (CC) 160 MHz Long-Term Evolution (LTE) signal through
experimental measurements. It is also reported with measurement results that the proposed UBB
MRF-PD model works efficiently for inter-/multi-band transmission.
However, the performance of the proposed analog models can also be affected by the analog
imperfections in the transmitter, which are introduced by the analog components; such as analog
filters and Intermodulation generators. To circumvent the limitations, we further proposed a
combinational Hybrid RF- Digital Predistortion (HRF-DPD) linearization method to take the best
of both the analog and digital predistortion techniques, which in turn improve the overall
predistortion performance. The linear operations are controlled digitally using FPGA, which
provides flexibility in terms of digital compensation of delay, gain and phase control of the signal.
Moreover, the proposed resulting combinational HRF-DPD considerably reduces the hardware
complexity of digital system and provides a compromise between linearity and efficiency at higher
power levels.
The HRF-DPD performance is evaluated and compared with the proposed RF-in RF-out APD
using contiguous and non-contiguous 8CC 160 MHz LTE signal along with several other state-ofthe-
art signals such as two-tone, 10 MHz, 20 MHz LTE signals as well as carrier aggregated LTE
signals. Experimental results validate the dexterity of the proposed HRF-DPD linearization. The
linearizability of the proposed HRF-DPD is reported to be better than the proposed RF-in RF-out
APD due to digitally compensation of gain and phase of the signal. |
en_US |