Banks are significant financial intermediary of the economy. It circulates the surplus cash to
the economically deficient economy. Thus, a bank performs the function of liquidity
management. During the process of liquidity management banks encounter with various types
of risks which may further result into banking crisis. Hence, liquidity management is very
important task of banks. It has been observed that during the crisis period (2007-2009),
liquidity of developed banks was affected. As the Indian economy is the significant emerging
economy, in this study it has been analysed that how financial crisis affected the liquidity of
Indian banks and what are the factors which influences liquidity of Indian banks.
Thus, this study aims to address following objectives in Indian banking sector, namely:
1. To analyze the impact of bank-specific and macroeconomic factors on liquidity of
banks operating in India.
2. To study the change in the influence of determinants on liquidity of banks operating in
India with change in bank ownership.
3. To examine the effect of determinants on bank liquidity with change in bank size.
4. To study the behaviour of determinants of bank liquidity in pre, crisis and post crisis
The primary objective of the study is to find the determinants, which affects the liquidity of
Indian banking system. The sample size selected for the study consists of 63 banks, it consist of
nationalised banks, private banks, State banks of associates and foreign banks. This study
employs panel data regression technique to attain the desired objectives.
Our analysis is divided into four stages. First stage of analysis includes all banks from 2000 to
2015. From the application of panel data estimations it was found that It was found that among
bank-specific variables, NPA, NIM, ROA, cost of funding, and CAR are key determinants of
bank liquidity. Macroeconomic variables - crisis, inflation and GDP - have a significant effect
on liquidity.
Second stage of analysis forms three samples based on ownership structure of banks, i.e. public
banks, private banks and foreign banks. Regression analysis concludes that crisis had a
effect on all banks (private, public and foreign). Bank size had a significant negative effect on
public banks’ liquidity (LATA, CATA and LATD) and private banks’ liquidity (CATA, LATA
and LATD) while it showed mixed effect (negative and positive) on foreign banks’ liquidity.
Other liquidity determinants - CAR, inflation, NIM, NPA, COF, GDP, deposits – showed
mixed effect on liquidity of public, private and foreign banks.
Third stage analysis assesses the existence of association between independent variables and
liquidity for small banks, medium banks, large banks and largest banks. Results reveal that
NPA has a significant negative effect on medium banks and largest banks. COF has a
significant negative impact on small banks, large banks and largest banks. Inflation has a
negative effect on small banks, medium banks and large banks. GDP has a negative effect on
medium banks, large banks and largest banks. While, crisis found to have a significant positive
effect on all banks.
Fourth stage analysis also illustrates effect of various liquidity determinants on liquidity
measures in different time periods. 2000 to 2006 period analysis finds that GDP, Inflation,
capital, NIM, Profitability, deposits and size have a significant effect on liquidity. Examination
of 2007 to 2009 period highlights that size, inflation, NIM, profitability, COF, deposits, GDP
and Capital have a significant effect on liquidity. 2010 to 2018 time period examination
suggests that deposits, GDP, size, COF, NPA, inflation have a significant effect on liquidity.
Post-crisis period (2010 to 2015) have a significant negative effect on liquidity.
The present study contributes to the existing literature and provides an insight of the liquidity
of Indian banking system. It will aid the managers in making better financial policies for the
development of the Indian banking sector. Also, it will help them in understanding the areas of
weakness and strengths in financial management and what variables they should consider
before deciding upon the liquidity of banks. Finally this study recommends that as the liquidity
is significantly important for banks, it should consider the effect of various variables on banks
while taking decisions.