The concept of Strategic HRM is still evolving; the field has continuously witnessed an increased
interest among management scholars for both empirical as well as theoretical research. Despite
various theories and critical arguments by scholars, one thought has predominantly received
consensus which is that of people or the human resources as the source of innovative performances
and simultaneously the firm’s competitive advantage. India being the context of the study has
emerged as one of the sources of global investment in the world economy thereby displaying its
massive growth potential in almost all the sectors. The Indian service industry which is based on
timeliness, uniqueness and customization in client preferences needs to redefine and strategize its
HR practices so that the productivity is taken up to higher levels. With the increasing demand of
IT based solutions in the domestic as well as overseas market, the human capital management has
become an issue of concern for this industry. With the increasing demand of IT based solutions in
the domestic as well as overseas market, enterprises face tenacious hurdles and pressures from
rival firms with respect to incessant technological advancements; constant challenge to retain and
make their employees more skilled and involved in their task delegation. The Indian IT sector is
facing cut-throat competition because of its exigent work environment, the job demands
challenging work roles, aggressive timelines; resulting in low creative output and job stress.
The role of HR in such a business condition becomes highly prominent where the employees can
be put in center-stage and their need can be assessed before-hands in order to remove blockages
for effective performance and also adhering to work ethics simultaneously. The alignment of the
various HRM functions may help industries like the Indian IT industry in redefining age old HR
practices. HRM functions which are organic and integrated towards the strategies of the
organization may help in achieving competitive advantage. These collective HR practices can be
a mediating mechanism to boost employee work-behavior and morale for innovative work
performances. This sector reflects a gap to be levied on the Strategic HRM professionals who can
work to address the human well-being by sufficing the competency mapping through alignments
both horizontally as well as vertically, thus enabling employees to perform differently. The
literature also suggests significant gaps and inadequate theoretical basis between Strategic HRM
and Firm Performance research work. The scarcity in literature regarding the mediating or
moderating mechanisms i.e. the black-box in between SHRM and Innovation Performance; and
the various antecedents for the same was an identified gap. There is also a need to find out the
mediating mechanism in-between Strategic HRM and firm innovation performance which would
further attenuate this relationship. The black-box between the two constructs needs to be unveiled,
hence helping the managers of this sector to eradicate the surface problems which hinders the
growth paradigm. The data for the present study was collected through self-administered survey
questionnaires. Respondents were the employees working in the Indian IT sector. By using
convenience sampling technique, data was collected from locations where the IT hubs are situated
(n=335). The data collected in this study was analyzed with the help of two software’s: AMOS
20.0 and SPSS 20.0.
The purpose of this study is to examine as to how Strategic Human Resource Management when
aligned with a bundle of selective Human Resource Management practices can enhance Innovation
performance of employees in uncertain market conditions. Results indicated that SHRM has a
positive relation with HIHR practices and innovation performance. Empirical results support the
hypothesis that states the mediating role of HIHR practices on the interaction between SHRM and
innovation performance. Through this model the research work has tried to fill a gap by
investigating the whole procedure and the dynamics of Strategy and Human Resource
Management. This model may provide a stepping-stone for added empirical research on HIHRP
and will make an influential impact on the literature, HIHRP and IP in the Indian IT sector.