Whenever an individual start planning for a trip, one basic question arises in front of him, “where”? This problem of finding a tourist place is very common in today’s world. At first the suggestion for place to visit, comes from the family member and friends. The knowledge of individual and his friends might be limited as they can suggest only those place that they have visited personally. Another option comes to the mind of user to visit travel agency. This option is also flawed since travel agent might be biased and only suggest places which are beneficial to him. The final option user have to log on the World Wide Web and check for yourself about the tourist destination. When users choose the third option to make a decision, generally it makes it even harder to choose a place to visit. World Wide Web have unlimited amount of data and when this data is thrown at the user, who lack the experience in dealing with situation like this, he gets confused.
This large amount of data and lack of experience in user creates a demand for a system which can help user to access this data and provide better result. These result can help user with the decision making process. In this report, a method is proposed for such a system. This system access huge amount of image data and provide results on the basis of the user query. Those results can help user in decision making process for the tourist destination.