dc.description.abstract |
The recent advancement of digital technology is the re-configurable hardware i.e. field
programmable gate array (FPGA), programmed by Hardware Description Language (HDL) is
used for high-speed applications. It has credentials for developing intelligent electronic devices,
which are used in the power system components, and smart grid applications i.e. fast relay for
the protection of the microgrid (MG) asking high computational demand, low latencies,
reconfigurability, high bandwidth and parallel processing. Some inherent benefit of the FPGA
device is the parallelism of hardware that increases the execution speed compared to sequential
software architecture based technologies (μP and μC). Due to these predominant features, the
FPGA based digital relays are being considered for the protection of MGs.
MGs provides a platform for integration of various distributed generators (DGs) and renewable
energy sources (RESs) like solar PVs and wind generators, loads and storage devices. These
DGs and RESs serve multiple purposes viz. reducing the carbon footprint from the
environment, reachability to remote demand locations, quick installation and low-cost
maintenance etc. The MG is usually connected to the utility grid through a single bus called the
point of common coupling (PCC) and hence, is capable of operating both in synchronism with
the utility grid known as grid-connected mode and as an autonomous power island i.e.
standalone mode. The small-scale MGs provide uninterrupted power supply to the end user
during the period of power outages, emergencies and failures of the utility grid due to any
abnormality or a fault occurring in the utility grid. There are several challenges for reliable
operation of a MG in the field of monitoring, controls, and protection. Among these, the device
development for the protection of the MG has been addressed in the present work.
The existing overcurrent protection relays (OCRs) developed for passive distribution networks
(radial network) are not applicable for active distribution networks viz. Microgrid (MG). Since
the integrated distributed energy resources (DERs) are connected through power electronic
interfacing (PEI) having fast dynamics, therefore, the MG is a low-inertial system. To overcome
the stated problem, a fast relay is required for the protection of MG that can isolate the faulty
section, detect its mode of operation and adapt threshold settings as per the operating mode.
Protective hardware is required to be developed that can sense the faster dynamics within MG
and also have the feature of parallel processing by which the computation time for decision
making is reduced. The FPGA is such an electronic device that is used in the power system
industry and smart grid applications asking for high computational demand, low latencies,
reconfigurability and parallel processing. Due to these predominant features, the FPGA based
digital relays are being considered for the protection of the MGs. In the present work, the FPGA
based prototyping has been used for different block of OCR viz. DC-offset module, antialiasing
filter, DFT filter module, harmonic detection module and relay emulation module are
implemented with a higher degree of accuracy at low cost.
Conventional OCRs are mostly used for the protection of the radial distribution network.
However, in case of microgrid protection, OCRs maloperate due to the bidirectional power
flow, the need of directional feature of the relay has become necessary. Therefore, the
directional feature is added to the developed OCR prototype. Here, a digital phase detection
module has been developed for the estimation of direction of current flowing through the power
system network using a zero-crossing detector. A parallel architecture for phase and tripping
time computation has been used in the proposed design that makes the developed relay faster
by reducing the computation time of the algorithm. Here also, performance of the DOCR is
tested by creating the faults at different locations with different values of time dial settings and
plug-point-multiplier. Hardware-in-loop (HIL) verification of the relay is carried out with the
real-time-digital simulator (RTDS) with FPGA prototype. The results are compared with the
standard DOCR of the RTDS which verify the successful operation of the designed relay under
different fault conditions.
Islanding is the condition, which occurs when a portion of the distribution network (or MG) is
disconnected from the utility grid and operates independently with the help of local DGs and
RESs. Generally, two types of MG islanding occur i.e. intentional and unintentional. The
intentional islanding is mainly performed to carry out some maintenance works within the MG
and for the safety of the working personnel; whereas the unintentional islanding occurs due to
the utility grid blackout by equipment failure, natural disaster or any abnormality in the power
system. As per the suggested standard viz. UL-1741, IEC-62116 and IEEE 1547TM islanding
must be detected and the active DGs are isolated from the MG within 2-seconds after detecting
the islanding. Hence, it is an essential requirement to develop a fast relay that can detect the
islanding (by sensing variation in parameters) within the stipulated time interval as well as take
necessary action i.e. either isolate the affected section/DG of the MG (with non-critical loads)
by generating the trip signal. In present work, the FPGA prototype for islanding detection based
on the islanding discrimination factor (IDF) using the periodic maxima of superimposed voltage
components is developed. A modular design approach is used to implement the islanding
detection technique (IDT) algorithm. Verilog HDL has been used to optimize the hardware
resources and minimize computational complexity. HIL verification of the IDT has been
performed for islanding and non-islanding events with a microgrid test system developed on
RTDS. The performance of the prototype has been verified under various test cases viz. for
both islanding and non-islanding events.
Now, the magnitude of a fault current depends on the operating mode of the MG as well as
number and types of the integrated DGs placed within the MG. The contribution of the fault
current by rotating machine-based sources is higher than that of PEI DERs as compared to their
respective normal rated current. The magnitude of fault current is 6.0-10.0 p.u in the rotating
machine whereas its magnitude is lower i.e. up to 1.0-2.0 p.u in case of PEI interfaced DERs.
However, in the grid-connected mode of operation, the magnitude of fault current is greater
than the magnitude of the fault current in the islanded mode of operation. Also, the trip time is
more in the case of a standalone mode in comparison with the grid-connected mode. Hence,
mode-adaptability of the OCR is inevitably required for the reliable operation of MG, which
can be performed by changing the threshold setting i.e. pick-up current (Ip) setting of the OCR.
In this work, a hardcore reconfigurable multifunctional relay is designed, which is used for the
detection of operating modes of the MG as well as mode adaptation within the MG. Some
additional functional modules viz. voltage unbalance module, rate of change of frequency
(ROCOF) module and a soft controller are designed on the FPGA and added in the developed
OCR prototype. HIL verification of the developed prototype is performed with the RTDS under
various test conditions viz. under different power mismatches.
Lastly, the prototype of a communication assisted adaptive relay (CAAR) is developed by
adding a communication feature with the designed OCR to achieve mode adaptability of the
relay installed at various DG located remotely. The status of these modes and the working status
of the DGs are communicated through the wireless network. Here nRF24L01 wireless modules
are used as the transmitter and the receiver of the CAAR. Performances of the CAAR prototype
has been verified in HIL on a MG test system under the environment of RTDS. Different test
cases i.e. operating modes of the MG, faults at different locations, types of faults and relay
coordination are tested to validate the functionality of the developed prototype of CAAR. In the
present work, the FPGA based prototype of the overcurrent relay (OCR) with its internal
components viz. DC-offset module, anti-aliasing filter, DFT module, harmonic detection
module and relay emulation module are developed with a higher degree of accuracy and low
cost. Here, Verilog HDL is used to optimize the hardware resources and minimize
computational complexity. Furthermore, the directional feature is added to the developed OCR
prototype, which is works as directional-OCR. Here, a digital phase detection module is used
for the estimation of the direction of current by a zero-crossing detector. Performance of the
relay is tested by creating the faults at different locations with different values of time dial
settings and plug-point-multiplier. |
en_US |