The present research work aims to propose a capacitance measurement system based on
frequency estimation technique. The frequency estimation is performed using a frequency
locked loop (FLL) based on moving window discrete Fourier transform (MWDFT) filter.
The frequency estimation technique is able to accurately estimate the frequency when the input
signal is non-sinusoidal. Further, it fulfills the following requirements: (i) provide wider
frequency estimation range (ii) good accuracy (iii) less convergence time (iv) good frequency
resolution (v) good slew rate (vi) ease of digital implementation.
The various capacitance measurement techniques are reviewed. Due to the advantages of the
C-F technique over the other methods special emphasis is laid to this method. For this purpose
the existing sinusoidal frequency estimation techniques are reviewed and the possibility
of applying them for capacitance measurement is explored. The relaxation oscillator is the
most commonly used circuit for converting the capacitance in to the equivalent frequency.
Since the output of the oscillator is a square wave, a square to sine wave conversion is required.
The sinusoidal frequency estimation techniques are later applied to the input sine
wave to estimate the frequency and thereby obtaining the accurate measurement of capacitance.
However, most of the existing frequency estimation techniques could estimate the
input frequency directly from the input square wave signal. The different frequency estimation
techniques are categorized as: Phase locked loop (PLL), Frequency locked loop (FLL),
Parameter estimation techniques and Discrete Fourier transform based frequency locked loop
(DFT-FLL). A relaxation oscillator is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment using
the simscape library with the specifications of the AD711 operational amplifier. The various
frequency estimation techniques are also simulated. The output of the oscillator is fed to the
different techniques and their performance is evaluated for center frequency and step change
in frequency. The techniques are compared in terms of convergence time, accuracy, estimated
frequency range and the capacitance measurement range. Further, the uncertainty analysis of
the analog front end is performed. The performance of the frequency estimation techniques
is evaluated in noisy environment and the effect of parasitic capacitances is analyzed by considering
the practical model of capacitance sensor and op-amp.
Further, a frequency estimation technique is proposed with fractional bin-index based movi
ing window discrete Fourier transform (MWDFT). In order to increase the range of frequency
estimation, different MWDFTs with bin-indices k = 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 are chosen and incorporated
in the frequency estimator. The structure of the MWDFT is modified with the
positive feed-forward coefficients for fractional bin-indices and negative coefficients for integer
multiples. The frequency of the input signal is estimated by adaptively adjusting the
sampling pulses for MWDFT with integer and fractional bin-indices. The different MWDFT
bins are appended in parallel with only one MWDFT bin connected to sampling pulse adjustment
(SPA) at a time. The input signal is passed through the selector module which
provides a coarse frequency estimation and decides the select line to choose the appropriate
MWDFT bin. The experimental validation is performed by designing a relaxation oscillator
using AD711 op-amp and center frequency of 20 kHz. The output of the oscillator is
amplitude limited to 2 V and fed to ADC of the data conversion high speed mezzanine
card. The data conversion card is connected to the Stratix III FPGA board with FPGA chip
EP3SL150F1152C2N through HSMC port connector. The proposed scheme is designed in
MATLAB/Simulink DSP builder for a center frequency of 20 kHz and then converted to
VHDL code with the help of Quartus II synthesizer to program the FPGA. When the capacitance
under measurement changes, there is a corresponding change in the frequency of the
oscillator output. The proposed technique generates the in-phase and quadrature signals. The
quadrature signal is used by the SPA to correct for the frequency error in the FLL output.
Therefore, the proposed technique is able to track the changes in frequency caused by a corresponding
change in capacitance.
The proposed work further explores the other available computationally efficient DFT structures
for designing the FLL in order to improve the accuracy while reducing the computational
burden. The proposed scheme employs the technique of quadrature signal generation
(QSG) to generate the in-phase and quadrature components of the input signal. The quadrature
signal is used to correct the frequency error under the varying input signal frequency.
The proposed scheme shows good accuracy, consumes less resources and provides wider frequency
operating range with less convergence time.
To further reduce the number of frequency bins and increase the range of measurement, the
modification in the structure of the MWDFT is introduced so that the frequency bin resoluii
tion increases. The conventional structure of a MWDFT filter consists of a comb filter with
negative feed-forward coefficient connected in cascade with a resonator. The feed-forward
coefficient of the comb filter is changed to positive and number of delay elements is adjusted
to obtain the necessary pole-zero cancellation. This unique property of MWDFT with finer
granularity bin-indices is exploited to extract frequencies of finer resolution. A frequency
locked loop is designed with MWDFT of finer granularity bins to estimate the frequency
change of finer resolution. The proposed method is applied for capacitance measurement
and the scheme is implemented on FPGA. The method is able to provide improved accuracy
(0.05%), wider frequency estimation range (3.6 - 128 kHz), and wider capacitance measurement
range (88.778 - 3156.565 pF).
The proposed technique is tested for two variable sensing with finer granularity bins. Both
the variable resistance and variable capacitance are incorporated in the oscillator circuit. Using
switching operation only one of the measurand is connected to the circuit and the other
is replaced with a fixed value of either resistance or capacitance. Additionally, to perform
temperature measurement the resistance is replaced by a thermistor with positive temperature
coefficient in the oscillator circuit. The method is able to measure a temperature of 40 -
92.6 C. Hence, the technique is able to provide a two variable sensing technique (resistance
and capacitance) with wider measurement range.