Since the inception of power system network, utility uses transmission lines along with
different power apparatus to transfer bulk amount of power from source to load end. Sometimes,
it is essential to perform switching operations of transmission lines and power apparatus during
normal/abnormal conditions. However, the switching operations may cause switching transients.
At Extra High Voltage (EHV) and Ultra High Voltage (UHV) levels, switching transients gain
more importance than lightening surge. At the same time, frequency of switching of transmission
lines and power apparatus are increasing day by day due to increase in penetration of renewable
energy resources in the grid, which in turn generates switching transients. The switching
transients develop thermal and dielectric stresses in the power system network. They may cause
problems such as degradation of quality of power supply, loss of life of power apparatus, lower
efficiency, and poor reliability of the system. Two types of switching practices namely,
uncontrolled switching and controlled switching are normally used by the utilities.
In past, uncontrolled switching of transmission lines and power apparatus has been
performed using Circuit Breakers having Pre-Insertion Resistor (PIR-CB). Though PIR-CBs
offer better performance in terms of minimization of the level of switching transients compared
to simple Circuit Breaker (CB) (i.e. which does not have pre-insertion resistor) they are not able
to eliminate switching transients completely.
In order to minimize the level of switching transients, point on wave switching technique
(also known as controlled switching technique) has been reported in the literature. In this case,
the level of switching transients has been limited by controlling the opening/closing instant
(point on wave) of the CB. The opening/closing instants of CB are known as controlled
switching targets and the device attached with the CB is known as Controlled Switching Device
(CSD). Depending on the power system equipment to be switched ON/OFF, opening/closing
instant of the CB is controlled by CSD. For successful implementation of the controlled
switching, the targets must be repetitive in nature. This type of nature helps in predicting
occurrence of point on wave target. Accordingly, the controlled switching command can be
raised and mechanism of the CB can be activated. However, CB is a mechanical device with
different mechanical and electrical closing instants. The electrical opening/closing target of the
CB has been achieved using mechanical opening/closing target. Due to effect of Mechanical
Operating Time (MOT) scatter, it is difficult to attain precise electrical opening/closing target
using mechanical opening/closing target of the CB. This is one of the setback faced by the
controlled switching technique during its implementation in real field. The main objective of
this thesis is to reduce the level of switching surge during energization/re-energization of
different types of transmission lines and power apparatus along with the consideration of the
effect of MOT scatter of the CB.
In case of uncompensated and shunt reactor compensated transmission line,
energization/re-energization has been performed at zero crossing instant of gap voltage across
the contacts of CB (VGAP), which is the difference between line side and source side voltages.
Energization of fully discharged Un-Compensated Transmission Line (UCTL) has been carried
out at zero crossing instant of supply side voltage. Due to absence of trapped charges, zero
crossing instances of supply side voltage and VGAP occur at the same time. On contrary, it is
required to study polarities and variations in the magnitude of the trapped charges during
energization of a partially discharged transmission line (i.e. re-energization). It has been reported
in the literature that the trapped charges attain unidirectional polarity during dead time of the CB
in case of UCTL. Conversely, in case of Shunt Compensated Transmission Line (SCTL), the
nature of trapped charges is oscillatory and achieve bidirectional polarity. Therefore, it is
difficult to identify the controlled switching targets during energization of a partially discharged
SCTL due to non-repetitive waveform of VGAP.
In order to determine optimal controlled switching target during energization of a
partially discharged SCTL, different controlled switching targets have been identified. In the
presented work, supply side voltage has been considered as the reference. Seven points on wave
targets from one complete cycle of supply side voltage (0 - 3600) have been tested (each at 450).
Out of all seven targets, zero crossing instant of the supply voltage is considered as an optimal
controlled switching target for fully and partially discharged SCTL. Whereas, half of the peak
value of the supply side voltage (having same polarity of the trapped charge) is considered as an
optimal controlled switching targets for a partially discharged UCTL. As the above mentioned
targets are repetitive in nature, they can be easily implemented in real field. Here, the
transmission line has been modeled by the frequency dependent phase model, available in Power
System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD)/Electro Magnetic Transients including DC
(EMTDC) software package, as it is commonly used for transient overvoltage study. In order to
evaluate performance of the proposed controlled switching target, a simulation study has been
carried out. At this point, different power system parameters such as fault type, fault inception
angel, fault distance, compensation level, load angel, and fault duration are varied to generate
large numbers of cases. Further, the proposed technique has been tested considering effect of
MOT scatter of the CB and Short Circuit Current Level (SCCL) of the source. Considering all
above cases, the suggested technique is able to limit the level of switching surge up to 1.9 p.u.
and hence, can be easily adopted by utilities. At last, comparative evaluation of the proposed
scheme with the existing scheme clearly indicates its superiority in terms of reduction in the
level of the switching surge for fully and partially discharged SCTL.
Similarly, controlled switching targets for energization of fully and partly discharged
SCTL have been obtained using analysis of line side voltages. In order to determine optimal
controlled switching target, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the line side voltages has been
performed. It has been observed that the derived optimal controlled switching target is repetitive
in nature. The simulation model has been developed in PSCAD/EMTDC software package
environment considering an existing 400 kV Indian power transmission network. In order to test
wide range applicability of the proposed technique, a simulation study of energization of a
partially discharged SCTL has been performed. Variation in fault type, load angel, fault duration,
compensation level, and distance of fault have generated large numbers of simulation cases. The
proposed technique has also been evaluated considering impact of Switching Arrestor (SA),
effect of MOT scatter of the CB, and different SCCL of the sources. It has been observed that
the proposed technique is capable to maintain the level of switching surge below 1.5 p.u. At the
end, comparison of the proposed scheme with the existing scheme proves the supremacy of the
proposed scheme.
The presented work has been further extended to identify controlled switching target for
Single Phase Auto Reclosing (SPAR) for SCTL, which has been determined using line side
voltages. In order to assess the performance of the proposed technique, a simulation study has
been carried out. Large numbers of simulation cases have been generated by varying power
system parameters such as fault duration, load angel, instant of fault inception, fault distance,
and compensation level. The modeling of an existing 400 kV power transmission network has
been carried out in PSCAD/EMTDC software package. Further, the performance of the proposed
technique has been verified considering effect of MOT scatter of the CB and different SCCL of
the grid sources. Unlike the existing technique, the proposed technique is able to restrict the level
of switching surge up to 1.5 p.u.
Shunt reactors are widely used in power system network at 400 kV and above level. They
are switched ON and OFF multiple times in a day for reactive power management. Uncontrolled
energization of the shunt reactor draws high charging current from the supply, which creates
high thermal stress in the winding of the shunt reactor. As this charging current contains
asymmetric dc component it takes a very long time to decay. At the same time, presence of
asymmetric dc component in the charging current may saturate the instrument transformers due
to which the protective device may maloperate. Based on analytical analysis, optimal controlled
switching targets have been determined during energization of the shunt reactor. The simulation
model has been developed in PSCAD/EMTDC software package. The proposed technique has
been tested considering different connection configurations of the shunt reactor. Moreover, the
effect of MOT scatter of the CB is also analyzed. The proposed technique has also been
implemented in real field and the results are discussed thoroughly. It has been observed that the
proposed technique is able to limit the level of charging current up to 1.1 p.u., which
authenticates its wide range of applicability.
Occasional switching of power transformers is converted in to frequent switching due to
penetration of more and more renewable energy sources because of deregulation of power
system network. Uncontrolled energization of power transformer draws very high level of inrush
current from the source. This inrush current contains asymmetric dc component and different
harmonics component, which degrades power quality and may develop severe thermal stresses
in the winding of the transformer. At the same time, it also creates Transient Voltage Dip (TVD)
for the equipment connected with the same line. The level of inrush current depends on winding
resistance, residual magnetic field, and instant of switching. In order to limit the level of inrush
current during controlled energization of a power transformer, it is essential to minimize the
effect of MOT scatter of the CB. In the presented work, a detailed study of the parameters, which
are responsible for the MOT scatter of the CB, has been carried out. Further, the behaviour of
the dynamic fluxes is also investigated, as it is entirely different for electrically and magnetically
coupled power transformers. The performance of the proposed technique has been evaluated by
modeling two different types of power transformers (electrically and magnetically coupled) in
PSCAD/EMTDC environment. In order to validate the simulation model, field testing for
implementation of the proposed technique for electrically (1500 MVA, 765 kV) and
magnetically (500 MVA, 400 kV) coupled power transformers have been performed. It has been
observed that the proposed technique effectively limits the level of inrush within 1.0 p.u. At the
end, comparison of the proposed scheme with the existing scheme proves the supremacy of the
proposed technique in terms of reduction of the level of inrush current.
The presented work is likely to contribute significantly to the area of controlled switching
applications for transmission lines and different power apparatus. The different techniques
developed will be particularly useful for shunt compensated transmission line, shunt reactor, and
power transformer. Some suggestions, based on observations and simulations in this area, are
proposed at the end of the thesis for the benefit of potential researchers.