Faults are more frequent in distribution system, as compared to other parts of the power system,
leading to supply interruptions to the customers. For maximizing the customer satisfaction and retention,
improvement of service reliability is a major concern for electric utilities. The main goal
of the power distribution system reliability evaluation is the prediction of the service security of the
customers. Service reliability can be improved by placing switches and reclosers at appropriate locations
in the distribution system, so that supply from the main substation to the healthy load points
can be maintained uninterrupted after isolating the faulted feeder section of the distribution system.
Therefore, a strategy for optimal placement of the switches and reclosers needs to be evolved for
improving the distribution system reliability. Proper locations of the protective devices (switches
and reclosers) must be carefully chosen in order to maximize the benefits of placing these devices
in a distribution system. To address this issue, in this thesis, a formulation for optimal placement of
switches and reclosers in a distribution system for maximizing distribution system reliability, while
minimizing the associated investment and outage costs has been proposed. The proposed formulation
has been tested on 13-bus, 58-bus and IEEE 123-bus test systems using evolutionary programming
(EP), genetic algorithm (GA), differential evolution (DE) and mixed-integer nonlinear programming
(MINLP) methods. The obtained results establish the superiority of the MINLP method over the
other optimization methods for the said purpose. However, the initial formulated optimization problem
has considered only deterministic values of loads and system data.
The input parameters used for reliability evaluation may contain errors as they are derived from
historical records. Hence, in order to achieve more realistic reliability indices, system components’
data uncertainties need to be taken into account. To address this issue, Monte-Carlo simulation
(MCS) method is used to model the load variation, failure rate ( ) and repair rate ( ) of the system
components. The main demerit of MCS is the time consuming iterations making MCS unsuitable
for most of the case studies, especially for large systems. Application of point estimate method
(PEM) for probabilistic calculations, incorporating uncertainty of parameters, can provide similar
results of acceptable accuracy but with less numerical efforts as compared to MCS. The uncertainty
associated with the failure rate, outage time (r) and load (L) may be expressed in terms of the
expected value (mean) and standard deviation of these quantities with an assumption that they are
normally distributed. The PEM, used to calculate the statistical moments of a random quantity which,
in turn, is a function of one or several random variables, has three prevalent versions, namely 3-point
estimate method (3PEM), 5-point estimate method (5PEM) and 7-point estimate method (7PEM). It
is well established that while for calculating lower order statistics only (mean and variance), 3PEM
is sufficient, for calculating higher order statistics (skewness and kurtosis) along with the lower order
statistics, 5PEM and 7PEM are more useful.
This thesis presents a formulation for an optimal placement of switches and reclosers in a distribution
system for maximizing the distribution system reliability considering uncertainties in load
data, system failure and repair rates. The uncertainties have been incorporated in the formulation
using 3PEM. The proposed formulation has been tested on 13-bus, 58-bus and IEEE 123-bus test
systems using DE and MINLP methods. The obtained results establish the effectiveness of the consideration
of data uncertainties in maximizing utilities’ profits as also in improving the distribution
system reliability by providing the bounds of profit. However, the formulation considered sustained
interruptions (caused by permanent faults) only, and hence the scope for inclusion of momentary
interruptions (due to temporary faults) has been explored next.
In a distribution system, momentary interruptions are more frequent than the sustained interruptions.
Till recently, sustained interruptions were the main concern of the utilities and, hence, the
protective devices were placed to limit the impact of these. However, these days, loads are more
sensitive to momentary interruptions due to proliferation of electronic devices. Due to the increased
use of electronic and precision devices, damages due to short-duration voltage disturbances have
increased. The utilities employ fuse-save and fuse-blow schemes to decrease the impact of sustained
and momentary interruptions, respectively. In the fuse-save scheme, an upstream recloser or circuit
breaker operates, before a fuse can trip, to isolate a fault downstream of the fuse. Fuse-save
scheme is used with an instantaneous relay or with the fast curve of a recloser associated with a
circuit breaker. For temporary faults, service to the customers can be restored immediately by reenergizing
the line, resulting in decreased sustained interruptions. The main drawback of fuse-save
scheme is that all customers downstream of a recloser or circuit breaker experience momentary interruptions
even for permanent faults downstream of the fuse. Because of this, many utilities prefer
to use the fuse-blow scheme over the fuse-save scheme. In fuse-blow scheme, the fuse operates for
all the downstream faults (temporary and permanent), resulting in sustained interruption for all the
customers downstream of the fuse while rest of the system remains uninterrupted.
To address the above issue, the effect of temporary faults has also been incorporated next in
the optimal placement problem of protective devices in the distribution system. Three different
scenarios, for optimal placement of protective devices (switches, reclosers, fuses) in a distribution
system, considering uncertainties in loads, temporary and permanent failure rates and repair rates
have been formulated. The three versions of the formulated problem have been solved for 58-bus
and IEEE 123-bus distribution networks using MINLP optimization technique.
Apart from the above three scenarios of protective devices’ placement in distribution system,
other scenarios pertaining to different combinations of protective devices are also feasible. Each
scenario will give a different optimal profit value for a given system, hence, the best scenario needs
to be identified. Thus, it becomes necessary to develop a generalized formulation which can simulate
any desired scenario and help a utility in deciding the best possible combination and optimal
placement of protective devices for profit and reliability maximization. In this thesis, a generalized
model has been developed to address the difficulties pertaining to placement of various combinations
of protective devices (recloser, switch, fuse-blow fuse and fuse-save fuse) in a distribution network
for increasing the profit of the utility through reliability improvement. The uncertainties in temporary
failure rates, permanent failure rates, repair rates and load data have been considered in the
formulation using 3PEM. The developed objective function is capable of simulating different combinations
of the protective devices. The formulated problems have been solved for 58-bus and IEEE
123-bus distribution networks using MINLP optimization technique. After analyzing the test results
of the various scenarios for the two test systems, it is concluded that maximum profit to the utility
is accrued by using the one involving a combination of all the four protective devices viz. reclosers,
switches, fuse-blow fuses and fuse-save fuses.
Optimal placement of protective devices in distribution system increases the system reliability by
isolating the faulty feeder section of the system and supplying uninterrupted power to healthy feeder
sections (upstream of the faulty feeder section). However, the healthy feeder sections downstream
of the faulty feeder section remain de-energized until the faulty feeder section is repaired and reenergized.
If a distributed generation (DG) is present in the downstream isolated healthy part of
the system, it can further improve the system reliability by operating in an islanded mode. For
the formation of an island, the DG capacity should be sufficient to avoid load shedding or load
prioritization. Thus, integration of DG in distribution networks has added advantages: additional
reduction in customer interruption duration and increase in service restoration speed. However, the
presence of DG in distribution system increases the complexity of the optimal placement problem of
protective devices which has been addressed next.
In this thesis, the effect of DG has also been incorporated in the formulation of optimal placement
problem of protective devices’ (recloser, switch, fuse-blow fuse and fuse-save fuse) in the distribution
system. A model has been developed to solve the problem of the protective devices placement
in various zones of a distribution system with DG. The uncertainties in temporary failure rates,
permanent failure rates, repair rates and load data have been considered in the problem formulation
using 3PEM. The formulated problem has been solved for 69-bus and 118-bus distribution systems
using MINLP optimization technique. After analyzing the results of the two test systems, it can be
concluded that the profit to the utility can be increased if the protective devices are placed optimally
in the zones formed due to DGs connected in the system.