The entire Himalayan arc is recognized as a global hotspot for landslide and seismic
events; which may be ascribed to the orogeny processes that had formed the Himalaya. Every
year landslides and related natural disaster events claim many lives and destroy property,
infrastructure, and the environment of the Himalaya. It is estimated that Himalayan landslides
kill 1 person/100 sq. km per year and average losses due to Himalayan landslides is more than
USD 1 million/year. Given the great relief, high seismicity, active tectonism, high volume of
precipitation, and wide variety of rock and sediment types; landslides seem ubiquitous in the
Himalaya and is perhaps the major present-day process shaping the landscape. With ingress of
roads and other heavy constructions like dams and hydro power plants in this fragile mountain
chain, the overall risk of landslide hazard increases manifold. This necessitates an accurate and
updated landslide hazard zonation (LHZ) for the Himalayan belt, based on which future landuse
pattern can be envisaged. LHZ is a scientific practice of predicting the spatial distribution
of landslides over a region which is determined as a function of landslide occurrence and
various landslide related factors. Considering the high incidences of landslide disasters and
their long term socio-economic impact, national guidelines are drafted to guide the activities
envisaged for mitigating landslide risk through Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) mapping.
The classical approach of LHZ mapping is based on examination of various static
landslide causative factors with occasional inclusion of triggering factors like rainfall and
earthquakes. As the positive correlation between seismicity and landslide occurrence had
become more and more prominent, the classical approaches got changed; and a paradigm shift
has been observed in LHZ studies of-late. More emphasis is now given on comprehending the
occurrence and mechanism of seismically induced landslides due to the complexity and
enormity of such events. There have been several earthquakes in the Himalayan region viz.
Chamoli earthquake (Mw-6.8), Kashmir earthquake (Mw-7.6), Sikkim earthquake (Mw-6.9),
Nepal earthquake (Mw-7.8), which caused widespread landslide events. In fact, in many cases,
losses due to seismically induced landslides have been more than those caused directly due to
shaking. Out of the all earthquake related casualties, which are not caused directly by ground
shaking, approximately 70% may be attributed to landslides. In this context, LHZ studies
considering earthquakes as main triggering factor is a time bound priority for the Himalayan
region. However, a critical review of the existing literature reveals that there is a paucity of
macro-scale, regional level studies quantifying the role of seismicity in LHZ mapping for the
Himalayan arc in general, and the lower Himalayan belt in particular. An endeavour has been
made in this research work to carry out LHZ mapping under both static and seismic conditions
for a part of lower Indian Himalaya. The research work has been carried out in three phases: (a)
in the first phase, the study area's present scenario of landslide susceptibility under static
conditions is assessed using statistical method of LHZ mapping; (b) in the second phase,
suitable method for carrying out seismically induced LHZ mapping is formulated; and (c) in the
third phase, LHZ maps of the study area are prepared under different seismic conditions to
quantify the role of seismicity in landslide occurrence and spatial distribution in the study area.
The study area encompasses approximately 12,350 sq. km.; with estimated population
of more than 15 lakhs as per the 2011 India census. Several important and thickly populated
cities of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh are located in the study area. Geologically, the
study area exhibits a complex and heterogeneous amalgamation of fifteen formations from
different ages'. The study area falls in Zone IV as per IS 1893(Part I): 2016, indicating that the
whole study area is seismically very active. The area caters three major thrusting systems of the
Himalayan arc: Main Frontal Thrust (MFT), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and a portion of
Main Central Thrust (MCT), along with numerous transverse lineaments.
In the first phase, eight static landslide causative parameters are identified for the study
area. A comprehensive landslide inventory has been prepared, which is the primary step in
LHZ mapping and data has been extracted from various sources. The prepared landslide
inventory is used for proximity analyses to establish correlation between landslide activities
and various causative parameter. Information Value method, one of the widely used statistical
methods of LHZ mapping, has been applied to prepare the initial LHZ map of the study are
under static causative parameters. The prepared LHZ map has identified almost 37% of the
total study area as the zones of high to very high landslide susceptibility.
Different statistical methods, which are widely used for landslide susceptibility
assessment, generally lack in incorporating seismic indicators. This may be attributed to the
paucity of sufficient earthquake induced landslide inventories, which is attributed to the rarity
of an extreme earthquake event. Moreover, the conventional studies correlating earthquake
magnitude and landslide distribution, types and coverage area drew criticism from researchers
due to limitations of the dataset used and the regional and characteristic biasness associated
with earthquake events. Such scenarios become exaggerated for the Himalayan region, where
not until recently, much attention have been paid to seismically induced landslide hazard
zonation. Most of the LHZ studies carried out for the Himalayan belt considered static
landslide causative factors only; and the few studies that did consider earthquake scenarios, are
concentrated around the Chamoli earthquake, Sikkim earthquake and Nepal earthquake. All
these earthquakes, in-spite-of having originated in the Himalaya only, differ significantly from
one another in terms of their characteristics. Thus, it is understood that any statistical method
derived from earthquake induced landslide inventory developed for a particular earthquake
event may not be adequate enough for a different tectonic set up. Alternatively, Map
combination method of LHZ mapping has been used in this research work where,
probabilistically generated peak ground acceleration (PGA) is considered as landslide
triggering seismic factor. The biggest advantage of this method is that various landslide
causative parameters (static as well as triggering) can be incorporated as thematic layers, which
are assigned a weight depending upon their perceived control on landslide occurrence. The
weights of various thematic layers are numerically integrated to generate the LHZ map.
However, the subjectivity in weight assignment procedure is the main limitation in this method.
To address this issue, a landslide susceptibility scale is developed for the study area
statistically, which is used to assign the weights of various thematic classes. Information Value
method, Frequency Ratio method and Fuzzy Cosine Amplitude Methods are correlated to
develop the susceptibility scale, which is further used for multi-hazard integration. The LSZ
map prepared using the developed scale, is compared with other LSZ maps prepared using
statistical methods for performance evaluation of the developed susceptibility scale. The
developed susceptibility scale has produced better results for the study area.
Use of probabilistic PGA values as landslide triggering factor in LHZ mapping has a
distinct advantage: it eliminated the regional and characteristic biasness associated with an
single earthquake, which increases the applicability of the method. The predicted PGAs are not
from a single event, but rather represents the stress deformation expected in the region.
Moreover application of PSHA in LHZ allows incorporation of seismotectonic environment (in
terms of faults and lineaments) of a bigger area (R~300 km) which would likely to produce
earthquakes in the study area, and recorded past seismicity. A detailed PSHA study has been
carried out for the study area. The results of PSHA is discussed in terms of expected PGA for
five scenario earthquakes with return periods of 10, 50, 100, 225 and 475 years. Consideration
of the entire range of earthquake sizes quantifies the impact and implications of seismicity in
landslide hazard comprehensively.
Assignment of weights to different earthquake scenarios is a difficult task in LHZ
mapping. There is no statistical correlation available to quantify the size of a scenario
earthquake with landslide spatial distribution. Therefore a new method has been implemented
in this research work to assign the weights objectively. The method, which is based on the
normalized PGA values of different scenario earthquakes, could portray the relative importance
of different earthquake size on LHZ mapping effectively. Five LHZ maps of the study area are
prepared under seismic conditions to understand the role and impact of seismicity in landslide
occurrence and their spatial distribution in the lower Himalaya. It is observed that for an
earthquake scenario with 475 years return period, almost 51% of the total area falls under very
high landslide hazard. This is a significant outcome of the study, which highlights the
consideration of seismicity in LHZ mapping for the Himalayan arc. The results of the research
work shows that in case of moderate to great earthquakes, there is paradigm shift of hazard
zones from very low towards very high.
Based on the results, the present study concludes that inclusion of earthquake scenarios
will enhance the understanding of landslide hazard with a more pragmatic vision, especially for
seismically active mountainous belts like the Himalaya. The LHZ maps prepared for the
scenario earthquakes with 225 years and 475 years return period will be of practical use for
implementing frame works for risk mitigation and disaster response.