Pollution of soil-water resources by release of hydrocarbons such as light non-aqueous phase
liquids (LNAPL) is of major concern because of their high water solubility and wide coverage
under dynamic subsurface conditions. The rate of biodegradation of LNAPL is significantly
governed by site prevailing environmental conditions and groundwater dynamics. Therefore,
the focus of this study is to investigate LNAPL fate and transport under varying subsurface
conditions using multi-scale laboratory experiments and numerical modeling.
A series of microcosms experiments were first performed to see the biodegradation capability
of indigenous microbiota at different initial substrate conditions. A wide range of initial
dissolved toluene (10-250 ppm), the selected LANPL, was taken in microcosms and
periodically analysed for toluene concentration using GC-MS. The results show that LNAPL
degradation increases with increasing initial dissolved LNAPL concentration up to about 50
ppm and remain maximum till about 100 ppm before started decreasing with increment in the
LNAPL concentration. Microcosm experiments were then conducted to investigate the role of
soil moisture and temperature on biodegradation of LNAPL. Each set of sterile and live
microcosms having a different level of soil moisture content (20, 40, 60, 80% of s ) was kept
at prevailing high room temperature (30±2°C) while the other was incubated at low soil-water
temperature (10±0.5°C). It was found that biodegradation rate was high in case of high
moisture contents i.e. 60-80% at 30°C than the microcosms having low moisture contents (40-
20%) at the same soil-water temperature level. Results show that temperature of soil-water
system was more sensitive to temperature at high moisture content as compared to the low
moisture level.
Role of varying groundwater temperature on dissolution and biodegradation was also
investigated in a continuous system of column setup. The column experiments were performed
at four levels of groundwater temperature (40C, 200C, 280C and 360C) separately. Results of
the column experiments show that accelerated dissolution rate of LNAPL at 360C temperature
was observed followed by 280C, 200C and 40C cases. The biodegradation rates of LNAPL
were found 0.002, 0.008, 0.012 and 0.015 mg-L/hr at groundwater temperature of 40C, 200C,
280C and 360C, respectively. Microbial number was found high in region of 140 ppm-150 ppm
dissolved toluene concentration at 280C and 360C temperature. Thereafter, the role of plant on
different LNAPL compounds was investigated using treatment wetlands planted with and
without P. australis. It was found that the plant significatly remove the LNAPL componts
from root zone from plated treatment wetlands.
Thereafter, fate and transport of LNAPL under dynamic groundwater table was
investigated using 2D sand tank setup having a dimension of 125cm-L × 90cm-H × 10cm-W
integrated with an auxiliary column. Initially, tracer experiments were performed to determine
soil-water flow and solute transport parameter for different groundwater fluctuation cases. The
LNAPL transport experiment was then conducted under stable groundwater table condition
followed by rapid, general and slow groundwater table fluctuation cases by rising/falling
the groundwater table in 2, 4 and 8 hours, respectively. Numerically runs were conducted
for the LNAPL transport under varying groundwater conditions for the experimental domain.
The results show that a large LNAPL pool under fluctuating groundwater conditions
contributes to high concentration of dissolved LNAPL plume in saturated zone. The transport
of dissolved LNAPL plume was comparatively fast in case of rapid fluctuating groundwater
case resulting in closely spaces concentration isolines of toluene contaminated plume. A high
biodegradation rate was observed in regions having LNAPL concentration ranging from 140 -
160 ppm. The response of microbial community was found to be increasing as plume moved
away from the pure phase pool.
To see the role of varying groundwater flow regimes, laboratory experiments and
numerical runs were conducted using 3D sand tank setup. A constant water flux was allowed
to flow through homogeneously packed 3D sand tank first for maintaining a base flow velocity
of 1.2 m/day in the horizontal direction. The flow velocity was then increased/decreased by
changing the water flux passing through the saturated zone by keeping the water table location
at the same height. The LNAPL mass transfer coefficient was found to increase linearly with
velocity and was estimated for the selected groundwater flow regimes varying from 0.083 to
0.129 cm/h. The observed high rate of degradation of toluene for faster flow velocities shows
the dependency of the degradation kinetics on dissolved LNAPL concentration. The
breakthrough curves at different ports showed that horizontal and transverse transport of the
LNAPL was more prominent as compared to its vertical movement. The concentration of
dissolved toluene compared well with the simulated curves for the three cases of groundwater
flow conditions.
Finally, a simulation-optimization approach was to evaluate the performance of bioremediation
system with respect to its remediation time and cost. Design of in-situ bioremediation system
consisted of three injection wells to provide oxygen/nutrients to polluted saturated zone and
one extraction well to control toluene plume spreading. The extracted groundwater was used to
recharge polluted unsaturated zone which significantly enhanced the removal of toluene by
maintaining optimal soil moisture content. The biodegradation rates estimated in laboratory
experiments having different combination of soil moisture and temperature were incorporated
as sink of toluene in unsaturated zone. While BIOPLUME III was used to estimate the
biodegradation rate in saturated zone by considering additional oxygen and nutrient supply by
injection wells. These degradation rates were used in HYDRUS 3D to simulate the saturated
and vadose zone soil-moisture flow and toluene transport. The data generated from simulation
runs were used in Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
tools to achieve the minimum remediation time and cost. Spreading of toluene was more
through vadose zone having soil moisture level higher than 60% at 30°C than 10°C. A
minimum cost of $106,570 and $107,245 was achieved when the soil moisture was 80% and
60%, respectively, at 30°C during one year. A small difference of remediation cost clearly
demonstrate the effect of vadose zone recharge on accelerated biodegradation. However, for
soil moisture content of 40% and 20%, the optimized cost was $120,306 and $126,905 in time
frame of 1 year and 3 months and 1.5 years, respectively. The total cost estimated by the ELMPSO
approach was found minimum after fulfilling all the regulatory constraints of the
contaminated site. Findings of this study are of direct use in applying engineered
bioremediation techniques in field having dynamic subsurface conditions.