dc.description.abstract |
Climate change, as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), refers
to “a change in the state of climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or the
variability of its properties, and that persist for an extended period, typically decades or longer.”
The IPCC Special Report (IPCC, 2018) outlines the potential risks associated with the 1.5 ºC
warming over pre industrial levels. These include rise in extreme temperature in many regions;
and increase in intensity and frequency of heavy precipitation in some areas while increase in
droughts in other areas. Moreover, the temperature change, in terms of hot days are projected
to be more severe on land especially in tropical countries like India. The IPCC Assessment
Report 5 (AR5, 2014) states that areas in India and other parts of Asia will face the potential
risk of increased riverine and urban flooding along with increased probability of heat related
mortality. It is also highlighted that the food shortages due to climate change impacts on
agriculture sector will pose more challenges to the developing nations like India. These
impending risks underline the necessity for studying climate change impacts rigorously.
Future planning and management of water resources requires projected data of at least two
important meteorological variables, temperature and precipitation. Therefore, spatiotemporal
analysis of these variables and generation of runoff under future projected climate scenarios
provides the basis for climate resilient planning and management of water resources. Moreover,
as reservoirs are considered the stable pillar of water resources management, the study of
impact of climate change on reservoirs and reservoir operations is also necessary to formulate
future plans.
It may be noted that the degree of reliability of such studies and in turn the effectiveness of
mitigation strategies is constrained by the degree of accuracy with which GCMs are able to
represent climate of a particular location. Hence the evaluation of the characteristics of the
model simulated variables, in terms of their accuracy (with respect to reference data),
variability and uncertainty constitute important aspects of climate change analysis studies.
Consequently, the exercise involves efforts towards enhancing the efficiency of the processes
that work with GCM outputs and increases their accuracy. These efforts encompass review and
analysis of existing methodologies, bridging the gaps between them, and developing new
In this background, the major thrust of this dissertation work was on the development of a new
framework for performance evaluation of GCMs and generation of weighted ensemble data of
climatic variables. This data was further used to identify and quantify the climate change
signals all over India. Finally, data generated from the framework was also used to check the
Tehri reservoir operations under the climate change scenarios. The methodology of the
dissertation is presented in the following diagram schematically. The details of the
methodology are presented in the subsequent sections.
1. Framework Development
The weighted average ensemble data was created for each zone (Koppen Climatic Zone) for
three variables (precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature). The generated data was
evaluated on a zonal basis to assess the efficiency of the data created. This evaluation was made
against the reference data. To assess the comparative advantages of the proposed framework,
the performance of the generated data was also compared to the individual GCMs and
mathematical average of all GCMs (since mathematical average is the most frequently used
method in GCM ensemble). This comparison was made using Taylor diagram and goodness of
fit of CDFs. Moreover, the frequency with which a particular methodology was selected during
each of the two stages of ranking of models and the pattern of distribution of weight between
models were also analysed.
•Development of a framework for the ensemble modelling of GCM outputs,
incorporating some existing techniques and introducing non-parametric distribution in
Bayesian framework.
•Validation and efficiency assessment of the framework for different climatic zones in
climate analysis
•Application of ensemble projected climatic data generated using the developed
framework for studying the future climates across India.
• Study the characteristics of projected precipitation using ETCCD Indices.
Case study of
operation under
climate change
•Application of the framework to generate future climatic data for Tehri reservoir
• Simulation of future streamflows at Tehri reservoir using the ensemble data in SWAT
•Performance evaluation of Tehri reservoir, within current reservior operation rules,
under climate change scenarios.
The analysis of the frequency of the occurrence of each methodology in ranking of GCMs
showed that the Bayesian methodology occurred 21 (out of 24) times thus reaffirming its
comparative advantage. The spread and variability of data is more in case of precipitation
which is better captured by nonparametric distribution. Since the variation in temperature data
is lower, the parametric distribution is selected more frequently in this case. The distribution
of weights, for precipitation, maximum temperature and minimum temperature, resulting from
this framework showed an overall uniformity in terms of number of GCMs (three to five GCMs
were present in the final combinations). However, there were subtle variations in the pattern of
weight distribution among them. The developed framework is able to capture the characteristics
of the reference data (standard deviation) more efficiently than the mathematical average data
model without any substantial compromise in error parameters. It must also be noted that the
reduction in errors in case of precipitation is substantially higher in comparison to the
reductions in case of temperature.
The CDFs of the reference data, the weighted average data and the mathematical average data
were compared visually as well as with the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Bayesian
Information Criterion (BIC) and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). In case of precipitation
and maximum temperature, the weighted average ensemble data showed minimum values of
RMSE/BIC/AIC (indicating nearest fit with reference CDF) for all the zones. In the case of
minimum temperature, the values of RMSE/BIC/AIC were found to be minimum for five zones
which cover 87% of the area. The visual interpretation of the CDFs showed a considerably
higher degree of overlap between the CDFs of the reference data and the weighted average
ensemble data, in comparison to the overlap between the observed data and the mathematical
average ensemble data. These results reinforce the fact that the weighted average model has an
advantage over the conventionally used mathematical average, in terms of replicating the
behaviour of the observed climatic variable, thus underlining the success of the framework
developed. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed framework is an improvement over the
existing methods of GCM data ensemble.
2. Analysis of Projected Precipitation and Temperature
The uncertainty analysis (computed as the interquartile range of PDF of anomalies) of
precipitation data, maximum temperature and minimum temperature data was performed for
the end century (2071 to 2099) scenario for both RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. It was seen that the
weighted average data had the minimum uncertainty in all the grids (for both RCP scenarios)
for precipitation. For maximum temperature, the weighted average data had the minimum
uncertainty in 73% grids (for both RCP scenarios). For minimum temperature, the weighted
average data had the minimum uncertainty in 31% and 14% grids for RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios
respectively. Thus, it can be seen that minimum uncertainty was achieved in most of the cases
using three to five models whereas the mathematical average of 21 models do not achieve
minimum uncertainty in any grid. Hence, the weighted average data can be said to have a
comparative advantage over the mathematical average in this regard.
2.1 Analysis of Future Precipitation:
The precipitation data generated for future (2016 to 2099) was analysed for trend on seasonal
and annual basis. The analysis reveals that precipitation shows an increase in the volume in all
cases under RCP 8.5 scenario in all the seasons over all parts of India. However, the increase
seen in central, western and north to north-western parts are conspicuous. In case of monsoon
rainfall, the increasing trends under the RCP 8.5 scenario, in the low rainfall areas of the lower
Deccan plateau and the semi-arid western parts are important observations. The post monsoon
season shows increasing trends all over India in both the RCP scenarios and in some cases
show more than 100% increase in precipitation over 2016 to 2099. This is an important
observation from water resources planning perspective. In winter, the western Himalayan
ranges show increase in precipitation in the RCP 8.5 scenario, indicating an increase in the
snowfall. RCP 8.5 scenario also shows decrease in the precipitation in the winter over the
northern plains of the country. The premonsoon precipitation in both RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios
do not show any trend for most parts of the country.
Three ETCCD Indices (SDII, CDD and CWD) were analysed for future precipitation.
Increasing trends in Simple Daily Intensity Index (SDII) are seen in the eastern parts of the
country which receives moderate to high rainfall and receives the rainfall mainly during the
monsoon season. These regions show increasing trends in monsoon precipitation in both
scenarios, while they do not show any decreasing trends in continuous dry days (CDD) under
either of the RCP scenarios. Thus it can be concluded that the rainfall intensity will increase in
the eastern regions of the country with the rainfall concentrated in the monsoon period, while
the western and relatively arid regions will see a more temporally equitable distribution of
rainfall under climate change scenarios. This underlines the fact that the water resources
management strategies required for the different regions of the country has be to be based on
regional analysis.
2.2 Analysis of Future temperature:
The analysis of trend of annual maximum, annual minimum and annual mean temperature
showed that increasing trends were more prominent across all zones in the 8.5 scenario. The
annual maximum temperature showed a decrease in the percentage of grids showing
statistically significant increasing trends in the RCP 4.5 far century (2071 to 2099) scenario
whereas for the RCP 8.5 scenario the percentage of grids showing statistically significant
change increased in the far century scenario. The annual minimum temperature showed
significant increasing trends in a higher percentage of grids as compared to annual maximum
temperature, except for the hot desert zone (RCP 4.5 mid and far and RCP 8.5 near scenarios).
In case of annual mean temperatures all the zones showed varying percentage of grids with
increasing trends. In case of annual mean temperature, as in the case of maximum temperature,
the percentage of grids with significant increasing trends decreased in RCP 4.5 far century
The analysis of anomalies in annual maximum and annual minimum temperature was
performed. The annual maximum temperature showed a mixed pattern of anomaly (ranging
from negative to positive) where the positive anomalies increased from near to far century and
from RCP 4.5 to RCP 8.5 scenarios. Maximum anomalies were noticed in annual minimum
temperature where all the grids showed a positive anomaly for both scenarios. This indicates
that the rise in minimum temperature is more pronounced. This is indicative of the fact that the
ability of the earth to radiate back the heat diminishes as we move to higher radiative forcing
pathways and from near to far century. This empirically proves, once again, the basic idea of
greenhouse effect induced global warming. The anomalies in the annual mean temperature.
The findings of temperature are in line with the findings reported many researchers (Kundu et
al., (2017), Rajbhandari et al., (2018) etc.).
3. Case Study of Reservoir Operation under Climate Change: A Case Study of Tehri Dam
The developed framework was used to produce the projected climatic data for Tehri catchment
from 2016 to 2099. These data were used in the SWAT model to generate the future
streamflow. This streamflow was finally used to simulate the reservoir operation and analyse
the performance of the reservoir under changing climate.
The SWAT model was setup using the historical data and run from 2005 to 2010. Out of 5
years’ data, 3 years data (2006 to 2008) was used for calibration and 2 years (2009 to 2010) for
validation. The Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of the model during calibration at daily and
monthly scale were found to be 0.53 and 0.60, respectively. The values of NSE during
validation at daily and monthly scale were 0.79 and 0.92 respectively. The SWAT model was
also run with the mathematical average of the GCMs which yielded a NSE value of 0.41 thus
establishing the superiority of the ensemble average.
After calibration, the SWAT model was run for generating future streamflow. The streamflow
data was then used to simulate the reservoir operation under operational constraints and
consequently the hydropower generation was computed. The daily final elevation of the
reservoir was calculated from the above simulation. It was seen that the reservoir level stays
above 740 m (MDL) and below 840 m (FRL) while supplying all the dedicated flows. It was
also found that the lower precipitation under RCP 8.5 results in the reservoir not getting fully
filled in certain instances. These instances result in the lack of creation of head for power
Finally, the operation of the reservoir was evaluated on the basis of its ability to meet the target
hydropower generation. It was seen that while the target power met for all years under RCP
4.5 scenario, it misses for a few years under RCP 8.5 scenario. Hence the Reliability Resilience
and Vulnerability (RRV) analysis was carried out for hydropower generated under RCP 8.5
scenario. The indices were computed to be 0.916 (reliability), 0.857 (resilience) and 0.265
(vulnerability). It may be noticed that the reservoir has high values of reliability and resilience
with a comparatively low value of vulnerability under the RCP 8.5 scenario.
4. Summary
It can be concluded by underlining the fact that, the hypothesis of improvement of efficiency
in ensemble of GCMs using non parametric distribution within the Bayesian framework, hold
true empirically. This may be construed as an addition to existing body of theoretical scientific
knowledge thus highlighting the major contribution of this dissertation work. The application
of the framework to climate change analysis of the future and in reservoir operation aims to aid
in water resources planning and management in both national and site-specific context, thus
justifying the social contribution of this thesis work.
The above flow of work addresses the objectives set out at the beginning. However, there is
scope of improvement, in terms of incorporating more sophisticated techniques like Monte
Carlo sampling in the framework and application of the framework for other regions and other
variables. |
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